Last week was insane between school, work, social obligations and exercising I have had a total lack of time and sleep. This is my last week of summer school ever as a student (Yay!). I'm trilled that it is coming to a close, but that means I'm busting my ass to get my final book done. I feel guilty writing this because I could be cutting book board. But I can take 30 minutes out of my day to tell you about the last week and a half.
I am happy to say that in the past two weeks I've lost 5 pounds. That's 30 pounds since I have started doing my fitness pal in the spring/winter and 18 pounds with Weight Watchers. I could just call it 18 pounds, but I'm happy that I've lost 30 since the end of the school year. Thats an accomplishment for sure! I signed up for a boot camp like thing and started that on Wednesday last week. It's called a belly blast class, but I just call it boot camp. They gave us a packet with a meal plan, and extra exercises to do. So far I'm not impressed with the meal plan. The first three days are a "detox" and I just flat out cant starve myself like that. There is no protein, or healthy fats, just fruits and veggies. I guess they want you to get a lot of fiber, but I already do that with how I eat. PLUS the first thing I do when I know I cant have what I want to eat, is binge on the things I cant eat. So its just a bad bad idea. I'm happy with WW and so I'll just keep doing that.
I do like the "green smoothie" that is on their meal plan tho. I have had it for breakfast the past couple of days, and its better than the cereal I've been doing. Its pretty easy, 1 cup water, 2 cups spinach, 1 cup fruit 1 banana and blend. Thats just the one that I follow. I know I could add some almond butter and almond milk if I ever get to the point of needing the extra calories because I dont eat enough at breakfast. So far, its fine.
Wednesday was the start of the Boot Camp (BC because I'm lazy and dont want to type out 8 letters) at 5:30 am... yeah you read that right. I am still doing my workouts with Zumba and running. Which makes me tired to say the least! I have the toning Zumba class on Wednesdays and I have been using the 2 pound hand weights for it, well I havent felt anything really the past two classes, so I thought that it might be time to jump up at least half a pound, but it was either 2 or 3. So I went with 3. I am still sore from doing that. Stupid idea. I think I might just get my own 2.5 pound hand weights because I'm so not ready for three. Friday through Sunday I could barely move because I was so sore.
Thursday I was able to get off work at the school to go to the Monroe Art Crawl. Its the first Thursday of every other month. I always end up working on Thursday it seems, but I got lucky and was able to get off for it. I didnt have anything in a gallery this time, I just came to support my friends Joli and Jenna, and a couple others! It was a good time, I abstained from the wine and the food. I didnt even go to the pub afterwards for drinks. Mainly because it was hot as hell outside and we would have either been sitting outside in the heat on the patio, or inside with all the smokers. Bleh.
Jenna and her name on "the wall" |
Joli and her art! Beetles all over the wall! |
That's how my week has been so far. I'm thrilled that class is almost over, and today my Zumba classes switch to 4:30 pm, I didnt realize it today so I'm going to have to run home real fast and change and then come back to school. Wednesday I'll just bring a change of clothes! This will be nice because I'll get to eat dinner at 6 rather than 7. Yay.
Sporting my new sunglasses |
Also, I said that I've been going to the art crawls this year, begging my friends to let me switch hours at work with them so I could go. Every time we take pictures together. And I have this collection of myself through this year, but these three photos stood out to me after someone posted the newest pic on facebook Thursday night. I look like I've lost some weight! Which is cool! I can feel my clothes getting looser, but its hard when you look at yourself every day and feel like you see the exact same thing in the mirror. The pics arent in order so read it right to left and then to the bottom! That's 30 pounds (or about) right there!