Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Too Hot to Run

I am rethinking this whole half marathon idea. Not that I'm going to chicken out our anything. I just knew eventually I needed to actually run on the road and not on the treadmill. I have to say that the treadmill has been great to keep up a specific pace and to train me to keep that pace. But I don't like to run on an incline and so I always run at a negative number on the treadmill. 

Yesterday it was -slightly- cooler than it had been in weeks past, 89 rather than 95, and I knew I needed to get out on a trail and run. I decided to go to the part where I ran my first 5k. If I run around the lake once its not quite 1.5 miles. I had a 3.5 mile run to do and I thought I would have no problem  with it. The first mile went by and my legs were killing me, my hamstrings were so tight it hurt to move but I stopped to stretch a few times and off I went. About half way through the run at 1.5 miles I knew I wasn't going to make it. I kept talking myself through it, but it was hot, I was hot, there wasn't as much shade around the lake as I thought there would be. I had to pee and my feet were going numb so badly I ended up walking the last half mile. It was miserable. 

I'm not going to give up, just because I've had a couple of really awful runs this week doesn't mean I'm quitting. I have a run on Friday night that is 3.5 miles and I'll go outside for it too. I just hate that I couldn't finish it. 

I was happy that my first mile was right on track with a 15 min mile that I have been training with on the treadmill. So at least something went well! Note to self- next time I'm not going to wear a dark shirt and I may need to invest in some tank tops to run in. I hate my arms and I hate smelling sun screen when I run, but I need so relief if I'm going to be out there! 

1 mi15:09 min/mi00:15:08
2 mi16:35 min/mi00:16:34
2.8 mi18:03 min/mi00:15:17
Those were my splits for the run. Not that great... but it'll get better, I just have to slog through this hot weather. I guess its either run in the freezing cold or run in the heat!

I don't have a pic from running last night, but I do have one from my lunch today! It was an amazing taco salad. I love tacos! For the most part I eat gluten free. White bread is not for me! It gives me heartburn. 

Good news though I didn't gain any weight from this past weekend. Today was my weigh in day and it was exactly the same as last week! Huzzah! I am thrilled about this because I was scared that I was going to gain some weight. Now to keep on track this weekend. I have found that I do best at night with snaking when I do something with my time. So I've been trying to not watch TV because it makes me want to eat.

I'll leave you with this adorable pup picture!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Just a normal weekend... on a yacht!

This weekend was super fun. I got the opportunity to say goodbye to one of my best friends ever.

When I started grad school 3 years ago I met Joli. Her artwork was amazing, she was amazing. When she talked about her work she sounded like she knew exactly what she was talking about and it made sense and as the first month or so went by she became "my person." We bonded over McAlister's sweet tea and gum printing. We had a common person who disliked us both and so I think it brought us together as allies. At the end of my first year I had a great friend and she stayed during my second year of grad school too even though that was her last year as a student.

One of our photo professors left and I got to be Joli's student for a lighting class. THEN I got to TA for her! She has been my lunch buddy, my art friend, confidant, best friend and advisor. I think the word "best friend" is often over used but in this case she really is the best of friends. She understands me and my work sometimes better than I do. Joli is just an amazing person all around. She has taught me so much about art its not even funny. She is still one of my people and I honestly don't want to see her go. BUT she is moving to teach at my undergrad which is just flat amazing. Joli is like a second mom. If I could have another mom (plus she is too young to be my mom(sorry mom!)) without having to be birthed twice (or all that divorce stuff) she would be the other person. You know sometimes there are just people who make your soul happy and she is one of my soul mates. I'm not sure how I would have gotten through these past two years without her. I'm pretty sure she loves me too and I couldn't be more proud of and proud to know this stunning person.

She invited me to Both of her going away parties. The first one on Friday was the Restaurant Cotton, which is hands down one of my favorite places to eat in Monroe. I wish I could teleport it everywhere I go in life. Its so dang good! I totally over ate that night but I figured it would be okay because I was going to workout.

Saturday was an evening (and dinner) trip on a yacht. OMGeeeee it was so dang awesome! I haven't ever been on a yacht, despite this, it was fantastically amazing. It was 3 stories and had like 3 bedrooms, two baths a kitchen a living room and then so many cool places just to sit and hang out. We went on a trip up and down part of the Ouchita river. We stopped at a marina and I did pickle shots. It was a shot of crown followed by a shot of pickle juice. Yeah sounds disgusting but it was amazing. Totally over ate that night as well. Probably drank too much too, but c'est la vie! The boat was awesome and so was the company!

Sunday I felt like total shit and I had a 4 mile run to get through. On Saturday I had run two miles and then I swam for half an hour. My legs were so tired from the swimming that I got through two miles on Sunday and just had to stop because my whole body was like "F-U! We are done!" so I got off the treadmill (treadmill for a 4 miler because I was too tired to get up early and run outside) and just went home. I was going to get up this morning and run the 4 miles but today is my rest day and I need it. I really wasn't even going to do anything on Sunday but I felt guilty for not doing at least something. I should have just gone swimming and called it a day because those two miles yesterday hurt physically and mentally. I hate giving up but I went as far as I could go!

I have been wanting to get up early and run but I'm never sure how long its going to take me to get ready and honestly getting up at like 4 in the morning just doesn't sound all that fun to me. But if I want to run outside I may need to start getting up that early so that its cooler... but its really not that much cooler. I got up at 5:30 this morning and walked outside with the dog and the humidity slapped me upside the face and a horrible way.

I am starting to totally dislike the treadmill because its so boring!

Also, I wasn't very honest with Weight Watchers this week. I tried to count Saturday night but just gave up. I know I'm over every extra point for the week. No more activity or weekly to spend I just ate too much. I'm scared of what the scale is going to say on Wednesday even if I am rehydrated by then. I'm never going to lose weight at this point. I workout all week long and just sabotage myself by eating things I shouldn't. I've come to the conclusion that you can't lose weight and eat out during the week. Last week I was swimming in extra activity points, this week? Not so much! I guess we'll see if I can eat activity points and still lose weight, which is something that I have been curious about.

I keep reading blogs about it and some people say yes eat the points you earn and some people say they can't because they will lose weight. I'm also curious how this week of eating every point I can possibly earn will go for me.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Good Morning Good Morning

I feel like I have a ton of things to say and I'm not sure how to start this blog because everything is crowding in my head and it just needs to get out!

My summer is almost over, which is depressing because I am dreading going back to school in the fall. D.R.E.A.D.I.N.G...... it. I love my job, I like where I am right now and I just don't want to have to go back to feeling mediocre at something. Oh well though, I've already spent too much time in this so I'm going to see it out... which is what I tell myself every time someone mentions school. I can do one more year... I can do one more year...

I started doing the training for the half marathon and this morning I was looking at other plans and thinking that I'm not running enough mileage right now. I've never gone over 4 miles before so I'm constantly wondering if this is something that I can do. Is this a mistake. It is a huge fear of mine that I'll pay for this half marathon and realize after I try to run 5 miles that I can't do it. Then where will I be?

Another problem that I'm having is that when I run for a while either or both of my feet will go numb. I'm not sure if thats because of my weight or because of my shoes or what. I am just going to keep going with it. I've found that if I stop and stretch my hamstrings it helps. Not sure if its the hamstrings or just the stopping for a moment.

I've been doing most of my runs on the tread mill which is not that great really but its so dang hot here in Louisiana that I really don't want to go outside to run. I had to pick the hottest time of the year to start running I guess!

I did a 3 mile run on Tuesday and I ran the whole time at a 15 minutes a mile which isn't that great, but I did it consistently the whole time without walking and I think that that is fantastic. I've got another 3 miles tonight and I'm looking forward to see if I can do it again. I may try to do it outside if its not too hot.

Me after a run walking to my car in the rain!
I've also been trying to watch my portions during the week. Its REALLY hard to eat out and count points. I try my best but this weekend is going to be hard because I have a big dinner to go to on Friday and a Yacht trip to a marina to eat dinner on Saturday. I used up a lot of my points last night on the margarita I drank. In hindsight it probably wasn't a good choice.

I'm still not sure if I can eat my daily and weekly points and still lose weight. Last week I ate my weekly and lost. But I had like 55 points from activity that I didn't even touch. Mostly because I felt like I was eating a ton of stuff already and just wasn't hungry for more food. But this week will be interesting because I have the things this weekend where I KNOW I'll eat more than I probably should. Its nice going into the Friday party because I know where we are eating and what I can have to eat.

I've also been eating waaaay less bread. If I do eat it I try to eat only half the sandwich or if its a burger I just don't get the buns. I hardly ever eat crackers or toast or cereal anymore. Sometimes when I haven't had bread for a few days I will eat it and my stomach gets upset! Wild huh? I know I don't have an allergy to it, I just made this choice to try to fill my meals with healthier foods like veggies or good carbs like sweet potatoes. I made whipped sweet potatoes and they were amazing!

I know this is a super long post. But I've been meaning to post about this stuff just haven't had time lately.