So today I woke up and my back was killing me, which isnt a good thing at all. I dont have time (or money) for my back to flair up again! So my one solution to this? Workout. I havent been lately because I have been so dang busy. But I'm going to have to now. If you dont know when I dont work out enough, my back starts hurting because of a pinched nerve I have (or at least thats what they tell me, no one ever says the cure for this thing, just how to treat it when it happens).
I was getting ready to workout (Turbo Fire 30) and I realized that at some point you just get to a point where you dont want to be the way you are. Its so frustrating to feel so powerless against your own body. I sabotage myself! For all my good intentions, I sabotage myself. If I dont eat on time, being hungry makes me cheat. I'm not saying its right, but there ya go. Thats just how I am. I eat when I'm bored. I wish I could just stop caring about food. I wish I didnt have to eat!
Today I'm working on video taping myself cooking, which when you're by yourself is an interesting feat. I have realized that I'm going to have to make at least two batches for this movie to work. So my bread is baking right now, and I'll just have to do it again as soon as it gets done.
Tonight/afternoon I'm going to a grad party with my fellow art grads. It should be fun. But my question in the title is what would you do if you didnt want your efforts for the day to go down the drain when faced with all the food that will be there? Eat before I go? Bring something healthy so that I have something to eat? I just dont know. Will it be hard? Hell yes, talk about frustrating. And there will be drinking. Do I want to drink? I mean usually I drink beer, but more than one beer is a lot of calories! I did workout, but I want to lose weight, not gain it! The stuff I'm bringing isn't even healthy food!
So what would you do?
Okay I'm going to go off on a tangent here real fast because of something that I just accidentally typed (but erased). So I almost just said "diet food" but then in an instant I got to thinking about how I'm not on a diet. I know they tout the lifestyle change vs. diet because of the connotation of the word diet. I actually happen to agree. I'm not on a diet, every day of my life I'm trying to make healthier choices so that I can be healthy. Whether or not it happens? Well, thats just part of the struggle!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Bad Bad Bad
So I have been a very naughty blogger. I ended up losing 6 pounds which I think most of it was water weight. THEN my husband came down to Louisiana this past weekend and we went Christmas shopping and decorated our tree. I had a gift certificate to Olive Garden, so we ate there. While I didnt pick something very healthy, I mean come on how healthy can you get at Olive Garden?, I wasnt able to finish it all.
I did have a weird stomach bug before Corey came up though. It was like when food touched my stomach I was in agony, not to mention having to run to the bathroom because my stomach was going to explode and all I was able to eat was saltine crackers ginger ale. Well, that doesnt exactly help with eating healthy. The problem was that I was hungry and if I didnt eat, the pain got worse.
Then after we realized that we couldnt find the Christmas ornaments at the new house, I thought they might have gotten left in Benton, so I went there on Saturday, and continued to eat badly. Didnt find the ornaments though.
I came home on Sunday and had to make a cake for a photography project yesterday, this time I did have a piece, and it is delicious. I'm taking it up to the school today so I'm not tempted to eat more of it.
I did step on the scale today and I gained every pound back! I should have just left it alone, but it is a wake up call not to do that again. No more being awful like I was this weekend. I did workout on Saturday before I left, but I havent since then, so as soon as my breakfast settles I'm going to hop to it. I really like the Turbo Fire, but I'm having a hard time committing to 6 days a week. Its just a ton of working out. I dont want to quit it, but I kinda wonder if I could get away with 3-4 days a week.
When I went to Benton, I got to visit with my brother and he said that maybe part of my problem is with gluten, especially with the new stomach bug I had. At one point before I knew I was really sick I had a whole wheat english muffin and my stomach went crazy, just exploded in pain. Apparently one of his friends is like me, she has to work super hard to lose weight (why it just falls off some people I will never know) and said when she eliminated gluten she began to REALLY lose weight.
I have toyed with the idea of not eating gluten, but I really LOVE it. Who doesnt love wheat and crackers and bread? And unlike in Benton, where I'm 20 minutes away from a Whole Foods, in Ruston, there is no such thing. Who ever thought that they would say Arkansas is better because it has better shopping places? So I just dont know if I can give it up. I mean I dont have celiac disease so I dont NEED to stop eating gluten and I dont even know that I have an intolerance for it. I think I would probably know.
I do have to admit that I think that I might have to give up on the Shakeology. It just doesnt sit right with my stomach. I know they say its really good for you, but I dont know. Right when I got sick, it was another food that I ate that really hurt my stomach and I kinda wonder if it was part of the problem. The last time I was eating it, I felt sorta like this.
Last but not least Corey finally talked me into getting back to playing World of Warcraft. He is obsessed with this game and while I dont really like it very much, he has been on me every time we see each other to play. So he finally wore me down enough for me to say yes. We bought the game, a game card for a 2 month subscription and a new mouse all so I could play. I am only allowing myself to play when I have done all my work at the end of the day. I mean usually I would watch some netflix, so I guess this isnt any different. Its fun right now, but we'll see if it stays that way. Usually I get bored with it and stop playing.
I did have a weird stomach bug before Corey came up though. It was like when food touched my stomach I was in agony, not to mention having to run to the bathroom because my stomach was going to explode and all I was able to eat was saltine crackers ginger ale. Well, that doesnt exactly help with eating healthy. The problem was that I was hungry and if I didnt eat, the pain got worse.
Then after we realized that we couldnt find the Christmas ornaments at the new house, I thought they might have gotten left in Benton, so I went there on Saturday, and continued to eat badly. Didnt find the ornaments though.
Yeah thats it! It looks amazing huh? and I even took that picture!
I did step on the scale today and I gained every pound back! I should have just left it alone, but it is a wake up call not to do that again. No more being awful like I was this weekend. I did workout on Saturday before I left, but I havent since then, so as soon as my breakfast settles I'm going to hop to it. I really like the Turbo Fire, but I'm having a hard time committing to 6 days a week. Its just a ton of working out. I dont want to quit it, but I kinda wonder if I could get away with 3-4 days a week.
When I went to Benton, I got to visit with my brother and he said that maybe part of my problem is with gluten, especially with the new stomach bug I had. At one point before I knew I was really sick I had a whole wheat english muffin and my stomach went crazy, just exploded in pain. Apparently one of his friends is like me, she has to work super hard to lose weight (why it just falls off some people I will never know) and said when she eliminated gluten she began to REALLY lose weight.
I have toyed with the idea of not eating gluten, but I really LOVE it. Who doesnt love wheat and crackers and bread? And unlike in Benton, where I'm 20 minutes away from a Whole Foods, in Ruston, there is no such thing. Who ever thought that they would say Arkansas is better because it has better shopping places? So I just dont know if I can give it up. I mean I dont have celiac disease so I dont NEED to stop eating gluten and I dont even know that I have an intolerance for it. I think I would probably know.
I do have to admit that I think that I might have to give up on the Shakeology. It just doesnt sit right with my stomach. I know they say its really good for you, but I dont know. Right when I got sick, it was another food that I ate that really hurt my stomach and I kinda wonder if it was part of the problem. The last time I was eating it, I felt sorta like this.
Last but not least Corey finally talked me into getting back to playing World of Warcraft. He is obsessed with this game and while I dont really like it very much, he has been on me every time we see each other to play. So he finally wore me down enough for me to say yes. We bought the game, a game card for a 2 month subscription and a new mouse all so I could play. I am only allowing myself to play when I have done all my work at the end of the day. I mean usually I would watch some netflix, so I guess this isnt any different. Its fun right now, but we'll see if it stays that way. Usually I get bored with it and stop playing.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Today I REALLY REALLY didnt want to exercise today. But I did it anyway.
I dont know whats wrong with me. Yesterday I wrote about what happens when I miss a meal, but I'm just constantly hungry. Its so frustrating to eat healthy and then get a stomach ache because I guess I'm still hungry. It just sours my stomach. I just had my treat for the day (a beer and some popcorn) and I dont feel as hungy, which is good, but I know its going to come back. The frustrating thing is that as soon as I got up I was starving. I thought that it might be dehydration, but I have been drinking water all day, so much so that I've been peeing way too much today, but if it was then I would feel full. Not really sure what to do about it except for stick this out.
I am not sure if I wrote about it, but when I went to SPE (The Society for Photographic Education) conference I wasnt able to eat very often and I know I didnt drink enough water and this feeling got really bad, and every time I get hungry this feeling comes back, not like it was then, but bad.
Yummy Shakeology!
Maybe I just need to change what I'm eating. More protein? I try to eat two meals with meat. Huh... something to think about. I ran out of turkey burgers today, next time I'm doing more than 3 oz for each burger though.
Today I ordered some cheapie strobe lights for my photography. I cant wait for them to get here! All I need now is my light meter that I'm getting for Christmas! I think I'm just going to check one out from the school until I get mine.
That piece of pie is my temptation
So my post today is about that piece of pie. I made the rest of the pie and took pictures this morning, but I wanted to take a slice out of it for the picture. So I set it aside for another picture I'm going to take. But it is haunting me. But I can do this. I'm not going to eat it.
I am hoping to get to bed early tonight because I'm trying to get up earlier so I can get things done. Last quarter I had two days off a week with no class and I always did my work then, but now, I dont have those days, so I have to fit it into the day somehow. I dont like to do it when I get home because its my free time. I get to watch tv and have my dinner and then my treat for the day.
I know I havent even been back on this for a whole week yet, I'm just tired. This is such an uphill war. I really doing feel like I should have to have a battle every day of my life.
Here is the food journal for today, I guess it would be easier to type this out, but its really easier to take a picture. I did put my food in a calorie counter today and I only went 200 over.
Monday, December 3, 2012
This morning I got up and walked the dog, and I was starving but I hate to eat before exercising. But I couldnt not eat something because my stomach was so dang hungry. So I decided to have half my breakfast and wait 20 minutes and workout, well 20 minutes was more like 30, because I was doing housework. Anyway, I had my oatmeal, coconut oil and strawberries and only half of it. I did the 55 minute workout, during which I thought I was going to die. I really really wanted to quit about 30 minutes in. I just decided to tough it out, I mean I had already gone 30 whats 20 more?
After that, I was so hot and sweaty that I didnt want to eat at all, plus I wanted to fit my shakeology into the day, but it was so close to lunch that I just thought I would go ahead and wait till lunch. Shakeology is just too much food for me before I exercise, so I cant drink it for a pre breakfast.
I had gotten up around 9, because I stayed up too late, and I go to class at 1:30. So I didnt have all the time I wanted in there to workout and eat. I did eat lunch, but I was so dang hungry that it messed up my stomach. Usually if I wait too long to eat, my stomach is messed up all day long and it feels like I can never get enough food to feel like I'm not hungry. This is one reason I hate getting back on plan, because if I miss a meal, my body messes me up for the rest of the day!
I tried to eat as close to 1 as I could, so I wouldnt have as long between lunch and snack. My class is almost two hours and I usually leave early 1:30 for the 2:00 class so I can talk to my friends. Well I got out of class and rushed home because by then I was STARVING! I had the shakeology even though it was a couple of hours until dinner.
One of my new photo shoots I'm working on is with food, and I looked up a lighting set up online for what I wanted to do, and it rocks, but I dont have all the flashes it takes to do it. So I wanted to get the pie ready so that I could at least get to testing taking pictures for it. So after the shakeology I started working on my Chocolate Silk Pie, I made it for Thanksgiving and it totally rocks! Its not healthy in the least!! I dont want to eat the pie, which is why its going to go to school for my friends to eat. But I do want to use it for a prop, well I had some hiccups while doing it, like not reading all the directions even though I thought I knew how to make it. Tomorrow I'll put the whipped cream and chocolate shavings on it for the real pictures. But this is a test photo. Its not that great really, but it'll give you an idea of what the pie looks like.
All this setup just to photograph a pie! |
![]() |
It will look much better with the whipped cream on it |
I'm not gunna lie, I did eat some of the pie filling when I was making it! I dont have it written down in the food journal I'm going to post, but I did write it down afterwards.
It's been an eventful day, too bad I didnt really get any usable pictures taken, but I'll work on that tomorrow. They want us to work in our "studios" at least 20 hours a week! This is my dinner. Lots of pictures today! My yummy turkey patty with cheese and onions.
Tomorrow I'm on for Fire 30, so no more 55 minute workouts for this week! Whew! Check out the food journal. I remembered something I heard once about losing weight: you have to eat to lose! So a word of advice, you cant starve yourself, and you cant deprive yourself of the things you like. If you do, you are setting yourself up to fail. Whether its weight watchers, or counter calories, you need to give yourself some time to eat (in small amounts) the things that you like!
Tonight, and I also forgot to add this to my journal, my treat was a hersheys bar!
Tonight, and I also forgot to add this to my journal, my treat was a hersheys bar!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tasty Dinners
So today I got up and slugged through my workout. I really wanted to quit half way through it, but I just stopped watching the time and tried to make it through. I kept hoping to get my "second wind" and and it just never happened!
I didnt have a chance to take more pictures, but I do have 6 for the review tomorrow and thats what matters because it's one more than I need.
I really just had time to wake up, workout and then go to work. It was a good 5 hours, I got a lot done! I printed pictures, read and took notes on a History of Photo chapter and I chatted and looked up recipes on Pinterest. I freaking love Pinterest. I find the best recipes. I'm on a soup kick and I'm always looking for a healthy soup. One of my grad friends works on Sunday and so we just talked and chatted while we sat there! It was a good time.
I follow a couple of people on Facebook who are fitness folks. I follow Chalene Johnson, who is the creator of Turbo Fire and I follow her sister too. And her sister Jenelle Summers always talks about eating turkey burgers and reduced fat feta and using them in all kinds of things like salads and stuff. I also saw one of the bloggers I follow and SHE does a lot of cooking with whole wheat english muffins with caramelized onions and eggs for a sandwich. I was going to cook the turkey burgers anyway so I had one with the onions reduced fat feta on an english muffin, and it was GOOOOOD! So darn good!
I also found a recipe for Roasted Cauliflower and Aged White Cheddar soup. It was amazing as well. It was 5 servings and I put the calories in on My Fitness Pal and its under 300 calories for each serving. I'll post the recipe at the end of the post! I totally want to share this one. It was beyond good.
I didnt get off until 7, and unfortunately that meant that I didnt get to eat until around 9. I hate eating late, my stomach was gurggling so much while I was cooking. Finally I got to eat the turkey burger with onions.
I decided that its easier for me to cook what I want to eat in advance of my week. I dont like to cook pre planned meals that are already put together because I get so sick of the same thing all the time. I have realized now that its much easier for me to buy enough for two smaller meals during the week that way I can have either one or the other for lunch or dinner. Usually one is something that is easy to throw together. So this week I have the english muffins, and the turkey burgers which I can eat more than one way, I can have it with eggs instead or I can put the turkey in a salad. I also really like to have soup with some kind of steamed veggie. I got a bunch of carrots, but I didnt have time to steam them. I think I'm in love with steamed carrots now. But I can have that another day/night. The best part of all of this, is that I dont get sick of the same thing all the time, and I get to try new things.
I have decided that I love to cook, and I love to try new recipes. I dont think that I ever really admitted it to myself, but there it is! I mean cooking is like making art that you can eat!
I did end up eating a bowl of the soup, even though it got done way later than the turkey. And to top off my day I had six little christmas cookies, all 6 are only 160 calories. They were on sale at the store for a bag for 1.50, so I got two bags. Those will last me more than just this week. I love my little treat at the end of the day. I seem to get so excited for it. Its way better than binging on something that I know I really want. I think it helps with cravings as well.
My goal for this week is to try to start back on the shakeology. I really love my oatmeal in the morning, but I have two whole bags of shakeology that I need to go through, and I really like that the stuff is so good for me. So I got some almond milk and bananas so I can have a shake tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow... I have my first 55 minute workout... I'm almost dreading it. But I am not going to think of it like that. I CAN make it through the workout!
Here is my journal for today! I am very happy I have kept this up for 4 days. Usually I cant keep a food journal for more than a day. I just take it everywhere with me.
Here is the recipe!
I didnt have a stick blender so I just used the regular blender.
I didnt have a chance to take more pictures, but I do have 6 for the review tomorrow and thats what matters because it's one more than I need.
I really just had time to wake up, workout and then go to work. It was a good 5 hours, I got a lot done! I printed pictures, read and took notes on a History of Photo chapter and I chatted and looked up recipes on Pinterest. I freaking love Pinterest. I find the best recipes. I'm on a soup kick and I'm always looking for a healthy soup. One of my grad friends works on Sunday and so we just talked and chatted while we sat there! It was a good time.
I follow a couple of people on Facebook who are fitness folks. I follow Chalene Johnson, who is the creator of Turbo Fire and I follow her sister too. And her sister Jenelle Summers always talks about eating turkey burgers and reduced fat feta and using them in all kinds of things like salads and stuff. I also saw one of the bloggers I follow and SHE does a lot of cooking with whole wheat english muffins with caramelized onions and eggs for a sandwich. I was going to cook the turkey burgers anyway so I had one with the onions reduced fat feta on an english muffin, and it was GOOOOOD! So darn good!
I also found a recipe for Roasted Cauliflower and Aged White Cheddar soup. It was amazing as well. It was 5 servings and I put the calories in on My Fitness Pal and its under 300 calories for each serving. I'll post the recipe at the end of the post! I totally want to share this one. It was beyond good.
I didnt get off until 7, and unfortunately that meant that I didnt get to eat until around 9. I hate eating late, my stomach was gurggling so much while I was cooking. Finally I got to eat the turkey burger with onions.
I decided that its easier for me to cook what I want to eat in advance of my week. I dont like to cook pre planned meals that are already put together because I get so sick of the same thing all the time. I have realized now that its much easier for me to buy enough for two smaller meals during the week that way I can have either one or the other for lunch or dinner. Usually one is something that is easy to throw together. So this week I have the english muffins, and the turkey burgers which I can eat more than one way, I can have it with eggs instead or I can put the turkey in a salad. I also really like to have soup with some kind of steamed veggie. I got a bunch of carrots, but I didnt have time to steam them. I think I'm in love with steamed carrots now. But I can have that another day/night. The best part of all of this, is that I dont get sick of the same thing all the time, and I get to try new things.
I have decided that I love to cook, and I love to try new recipes. I dont think that I ever really admitted it to myself, but there it is! I mean cooking is like making art that you can eat!
I did end up eating a bowl of the soup, even though it got done way later than the turkey. And to top off my day I had six little christmas cookies, all 6 are only 160 calories. They were on sale at the store for a bag for 1.50, so I got two bags. Those will last me more than just this week. I love my little treat at the end of the day. I seem to get so excited for it. Its way better than binging on something that I know I really want. I think it helps with cravings as well.
My goal for this week is to try to start back on the shakeology. I really love my oatmeal in the morning, but I have two whole bags of shakeology that I need to go through, and I really like that the stuff is so good for me. So I got some almond milk and bananas so I can have a shake tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow... I have my first 55 minute workout... I'm almost dreading it. But I am not going to think of it like that. I CAN make it through the workout!
My yummy treats! |
Here is the recipe!
This is my picture! And I promise its as good as it looks! |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Rest Day
I'm glad that today was Saturday! I know I was only back at school for three days, but I'm glad to have a break. I feel like everything is already starting to pile up on me and I'm going to be in over my head before I even had a chance to start.
I should have taken more pictures today, I have ideas for my project, which is better than not having any ideas at all for what I'm needing to work on. Its like writers block, only artists block. I've been working on this project now for two months (which isnt very long if you think about it) and for a while in the middle I just felt stuck, well now I have ideas, and I even had time to do them, but I just wasted my day. I just wanted another day off before I really had to dig in.
Shame on me I guess for not feeling motivated to get my work done. It's just going to mean cramming it into another day and making more work for myself. So yeah, I did take some pictures today, which is good, and I have some from Thanksgiving that I think might work, so I'm going to take a couple more pictures tomorrow and then I will have at least 5 photos to work with, I hope. I really want more than the 5 minimum but yeah, not sure if that's going to happen this time.
In my last committee meeting before the fall break my professors told me that all my stuff was shot at the same angle, so I tried to switch it up this time. For some reason I'm really digging these two pictures, no one else probably will, but thats okay. If you didnt read before, I'm working on body image issues, and I have been doing a lot of my work with food, but as I was told, I'm not only food, even though I think about it constantly, not in an eating sense, but in a it just consumes my thoughts because I'm always trying to be good. So I was told that I need to get away form the food aspects, and so thats what these are about, trying to explore myself further.
I should have taken more pictures today, I have ideas for my project, which is better than not having any ideas at all for what I'm needing to work on. Its like writers block, only artists block. I've been working on this project now for two months (which isnt very long if you think about it) and for a while in the middle I just felt stuck, well now I have ideas, and I even had time to do them, but I just wasted my day. I just wanted another day off before I really had to dig in.
Shame on me I guess for not feeling motivated to get my work done. It's just going to mean cramming it into another day and making more work for myself. So yeah, I did take some pictures today, which is good, and I have some from Thanksgiving that I think might work, so I'm going to take a couple more pictures tomorrow and then I will have at least 5 photos to work with, I hope. I really want more than the 5 minimum but yeah, not sure if that's going to happen this time.
In my last committee meeting before the fall break my professors told me that all my stuff was shot at the same angle, so I tried to switch it up this time. For some reason I'm really digging these two pictures, no one else probably will, but thats okay. If you didnt read before, I'm working on body image issues, and I have been doing a lot of my work with food, but as I was told, I'm not only food, even though I think about it constantly, not in an eating sense, but in a it just consumes my thoughts because I'm always trying to be good. So I was told that I need to get away form the food aspects, and so thats what these are about, trying to explore myself further.
They are both lightly edited, and they need more editing, but I just thought I would post them here! I have some more ideas, and so I'm going to work on those tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, usually I work at the school on Thursday nights for 4 hours. I told one of my friends the last time she asked me to cover her hours that I would help next time if I could. Well, I told her that I would cover her 5 hours tomorrow. I didnt have a good reason not to do it, so I said I would. Now I wish I hadn't, but I will. *sigh* I just dont want to sit around tomorrow and not work. But maybe I can do some of the work I need to get done at the school tomorrow.
I was good today! I didnt have to workout today so it was nice to have a break, I'm so sore! When I bend over my abs kill me. Only two days of working out and I'm sore. I know that I'm going to be worse tomorrow, but at least I can work some of it off tomorrow when I do my Fire 30. I'm very out of shape, but thats okay!
I have been rewarding myself every night with a treat to make myself get through the day and not binge eat or eat something I shouldnt. Tonight I had a Hersheys bar. It was less than 300 calories. I love sweets, so it was nice to having something other than grapes! Last night I had popcorn and a beer!
Dont get me wrong, I'm not starving myself. I am eating and I'm full. I'm trying not to over eat, or eat more than a serving. Here is my food log for the past two days.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Today I feel so accomplished! I got so many things done. I didnt slack off on my workout, even though I didnt get to do it first thing in the morning. I have found that the best time to workout is in the morning before you have time to really think about it. The longer you wait to do it, the most likely you are to put it off! Sage words of advice, trust me.
Its kind weird, but it seems like I have been doing Turbo Fire for ages, even though its only my second day back at it. I have retried a couple of times, but I couldnt force myself to keep going after the first day. Like I said before, I really just want to finish this thing to say I did it. Working out 6 times a week is really damn hard, but last time I lost 30 pounds, and thats nothing to sneeze at. I know one day I will have all this weight gone! Every time I restart losing weight, I'm always starting lighter than before, never gaining all the way back, the first was 285, then 279 and now 266, so thats saying something at least.
So anyway, on to my accomplishments of the day. First, I made it though my 8:00 class, which I didnt think I would, and I didnt fall asleep once! Its the longest class every, Graduate Seminar, and its from 8-12, yes 4 hours! And while I love my fellow grads, its a long time to sit on your ass for 4 hours!
After class, I opened a new bank account, the bank that we have in Arkansas isnt down in Louisiana, so I've been just getting by. Thankfully I havent really needed cash that I couldnt get from getting cash back at the grocery store, but I also cant put my pay checks in the bank unless I am going home. So I took care of that, and I'm glad to have it off my plate.
Then I came home, and I was going to take pictures, but I think that I will have to do that tomorrow, just dedicate my whole Saturday to taking pictures instead of vegging out. I need to get to work. I wont be able to on Sunday because I am working for another student Sunday afternoon, its from 2-7 which is an extra hour for my normal work day.
When I got home I called the my insurance company because I had been to my GP for my yearly give me an inhaler refill checkup back in October and I had some lab work done because my hair keeps falling out of my head. And the lab sent me the bill because the insurance company wouldn't cover it, which had happened a few months earlier with another bill from the OBGYN. The letter said that my insurance company claimed that I had another primary insurance provider, which I dont. I did switch to Corey's insurance company in March, because I had gotten married, and my mom's work didnt want to pay for me anymore because I wasnt her dependent anymore. So because we missed the opening for when we got married, we had to wait for the next years enrollment to open up, and that was in March. So I called the lab place first and they told me to call the insurance company because they needed to sort this out. After talking to two people, three if you include the electronic nonsense answering service, I finally have it sorted out, and they are paying all my past claims.
Last but not least, I called to get tickets for Corey and I for White Christmas play/musical, which is playing at the Arkansas Rep all month. Its one of our favorite Christmas movies, and we have made it a tradition to watch it every year. White Christmas and Holiday Inn, its not Christmas without them!
Finally after all that I was able to work out. Thank goodness I did because I feel tired and sore, but great. And I was able to eat a snack because I was starving. I went to lunch with a friend, and we went to Rosemary's Kitchen, which is a block from my house, its an adorable restaurant that has a different menu every day, its really fresh and simple but good food. A lot of it is southern, but some of it isn't. You never know what the menu for the day will be. Today they had honey glazed pork chops, chicken florentine, margarita pizza and chicken salad sandwhich. All of it comes with an awesome salad with dried cranberries, carrots, bell pepper, sunflower seeds, onion broccoli and the good kinds of lettuce. I got the chicken florentine and it was excellent. I'm not sure about the health factor, I googled it and Sparkpeople say around 244 and then the Macaroni Grill chicken florentine has 340, so thats not bad, I would bet not more than 500-600 calories because I had a roll with it. More like a dinner thing, I usually try to stay around 400 calories for lunch, and 300ish for snacks. It was an excellent lunch and good to talk to my friend Meredith who is a fellow grad student. We havent had lunch since last quarter (maybe three weeks ago ;) )
I am going to post a pic of my food journal, just to be accountable for what I'm eating. It has my workouts and a check by them if I did it, also because it was a weigh-in day, my weight.
I wish my scale would let me take pictures of it, but for some reason the iphone wont pick up the lit up numbers on the scale... maybe I need to use my big camera for it next week.
The goal for the rest of my day: Not to eat bad things because its a friday night and also to drink loads of water!
Its kind weird, but it seems like I have been doing Turbo Fire for ages, even though its only my second day back at it. I have retried a couple of times, but I couldnt force myself to keep going after the first day. Like I said before, I really just want to finish this thing to say I did it. Working out 6 times a week is really damn hard, but last time I lost 30 pounds, and thats nothing to sneeze at. I know one day I will have all this weight gone! Every time I restart losing weight, I'm always starting lighter than before, never gaining all the way back, the first was 285, then 279 and now 266, so thats saying something at least.
So anyway, on to my accomplishments of the day. First, I made it though my 8:00 class, which I didnt think I would, and I didnt fall asleep once! Its the longest class every, Graduate Seminar, and its from 8-12, yes 4 hours! And while I love my fellow grads, its a long time to sit on your ass for 4 hours!
After class, I opened a new bank account, the bank that we have in Arkansas isnt down in Louisiana, so I've been just getting by. Thankfully I havent really needed cash that I couldnt get from getting cash back at the grocery store, but I also cant put my pay checks in the bank unless I am going home. So I took care of that, and I'm glad to have it off my plate.
Then I came home, and I was going to take pictures, but I think that I will have to do that tomorrow, just dedicate my whole Saturday to taking pictures instead of vegging out. I need to get to work. I wont be able to on Sunday because I am working for another student Sunday afternoon, its from 2-7 which is an extra hour for my normal work day.
When I got home I called the my insurance company because I had been to my GP for my yearly give me an inhaler refill checkup back in October and I had some lab work done because my hair keeps falling out of my head. And the lab sent me the bill because the insurance company wouldn't cover it, which had happened a few months earlier with another bill from the OBGYN. The letter said that my insurance company claimed that I had another primary insurance provider, which I dont. I did switch to Corey's insurance company in March, because I had gotten married, and my mom's work didnt want to pay for me anymore because I wasnt her dependent anymore. So because we missed the opening for when we got married, we had to wait for the next years enrollment to open up, and that was in March. So I called the lab place first and they told me to call the insurance company because they needed to sort this out. After talking to two people, three if you include the electronic nonsense answering service, I finally have it sorted out, and they are paying all my past claims.
Last but not least, I called to get tickets for Corey and I for White Christmas play/musical, which is playing at the Arkansas Rep all month. Its one of our favorite Christmas movies, and we have made it a tradition to watch it every year. White Christmas and Holiday Inn, its not Christmas without them!
Me post workout, see that light? Its from my halo of awesome workingoutness! |
Finally after all that I was able to work out. Thank goodness I did because I feel tired and sore, but great. And I was able to eat a snack because I was starving. I went to lunch with a friend, and we went to Rosemary's Kitchen, which is a block from my house, its an adorable restaurant that has a different menu every day, its really fresh and simple but good food. A lot of it is southern, but some of it isn't. You never know what the menu for the day will be. Today they had honey glazed pork chops, chicken florentine, margarita pizza and chicken salad sandwhich. All of it comes with an awesome salad with dried cranberries, carrots, bell pepper, sunflower seeds, onion broccoli and the good kinds of lettuce. I got the chicken florentine and it was excellent. I'm not sure about the health factor, I googled it and Sparkpeople say around 244 and then the Macaroni Grill chicken florentine has 340, so thats not bad, I would bet not more than 500-600 calories because I had a roll with it. More like a dinner thing, I usually try to stay around 400 calories for lunch, and 300ish for snacks. It was an excellent lunch and good to talk to my friend Meredith who is a fellow grad student. We havent had lunch since last quarter (maybe three weeks ago ;) )
I am going to post a pic of my food journal, just to be accountable for what I'm eating. It has my workouts and a check by them if I did it, also because it was a weigh-in day, my weight.
It's kinda hard to read, because I had a hard time holding the phone and also holding the other page down so the book wouldnt close.
I wish my scale would let me take pictures of it, but for some reason the iphone wont pick up the lit up numbers on the scale... maybe I need to use my big camera for it next week.
The goal for the rest of my day: Not to eat bad things because its a friday night and also to drink loads of water!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Good Morning!
I guess I should say that I havent been blogging much... duh! But needless to say I'm back. Its one of my healthy goals. I think I do better when I'm accountable to someone, at least myself anyway. So mom and I (yes I do everything with my mom, what I can say, I love the gal!) decided to lose 10 pounds before Christmas, not for anything special, but just to set a goal and to achieve it, she is going for 7 because 10 is too much for her.
So we have a goal, and I have a plan, which is back to Turbo Fire. I got the best results out of it, and when I was consistently doing it, I was really fit and I was losing inches like crazy. I'm also writing down everything I eat in my food journal. I have written down the dates all the way to December 25, with the Turbo schedule on each day, because I started on a Thursday, its kinda thrown off the real schedule. I am not counting calories as of now, mainly because I am not so worried about it, writing everything down will keep me honest, and if it doesn't work, then I'll switch to counting. But I figure if I'm making healthy choices and having smaller portions then I wont have to worry about counting so much.
Writing down what I eat
Those are my fitness goals for this whole week. I am ready for this first 10 to fall off, and it will, I just have to put the time in.
Mainly the problem was my first quarter of school, September to November, was so dang hard! I was uber stressed out and had no time to even think about eating healthy, which is when I should have been worried the most. But, I have had my first quarter, and its under my belt (literally because my pants are so tight I dont need the belt anymore, plus it broke) and I'm ready to be healthy, and I think some of my stress can be managed with exercise.
I took some now pics, and I think I'm going to share new pics every week. And I got all my hair cut off! Exciting huh?!
I guess I should say that I havent been blogging much... duh! But needless to say I'm back. Its one of my healthy goals. I think I do better when I'm accountable to someone, at least myself anyway. So mom and I (yes I do everything with my mom, what I can say, I love the gal!) decided to lose 10 pounds before Christmas, not for anything special, but just to set a goal and to achieve it, she is going for 7 because 10 is too much for her.
So we have a goal, and I have a plan, which is back to Turbo Fire. I got the best results out of it, and when I was consistently doing it, I was really fit and I was losing inches like crazy. I'm also writing down everything I eat in my food journal. I have written down the dates all the way to December 25, with the Turbo schedule on each day, because I started on a Thursday, its kinda thrown off the real schedule. I am not counting calories as of now, mainly because I am not so worried about it, writing everything down will keep me honest, and if it doesn't work, then I'll switch to counting. But I figure if I'm making healthy choices and having smaller portions then I wont have to worry about counting so much.
Writing down what I eat
Those are my fitness goals for this whole week. I am ready for this first 10 to fall off, and it will, I just have to put the time in.
Mainly the problem was my first quarter of school, September to November, was so dang hard! I was uber stressed out and had no time to even think about eating healthy, which is when I should have been worried the most. But, I have had my first quarter, and its under my belt (literally because my pants are so tight I dont need the belt anymore, plus it broke) and I'm ready to be healthy, and I think some of my stress can be managed with exercise.
I took some now pics, and I think I'm going to share new pics every week. And I got all my hair cut off! Exciting huh?!
See I need to lose some weight! Yick!
These are totally awful because my phone sucks and the light from the window is icky
That's all for now, I'm very happy to be back at this, and to have a plan, 26 days until Christmas and 10 pounds to go!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Back from Break
Okay, so I know that I havent been on at all the past few months. And sadly I havent kept all the weight off, but thats not okay, which is why I'm back to the blog. I have noticed that when I have something to help keep me accountable I stay on track much better. That being said, we can play catch up real fast, and then take it from there.
Since I last typed at you, my life has changed drastically. HUGELY! While I was in Florida back in July I was told about an assistantship for graduate school at Louisiana Tech. I applied for it, but I didnt get it. However, they told me that they liked my work, and that they wanted me in the program. So they finagled it, and now I do have an assistantship and I'm gainfully employed by Louisiana Tech as a Graduate Assistant, where I now go to graduate school for photography.
It all happened so fast, my life has been turned upside down for the past three months. I got the assistantship, came and visited the campus, found a house and moved all within a month or less. It was crazy, and not really how I like things to happen. Me and the puppy moved, and Corey stayed on the road, and when he comes home from Huston in November, will still be working in Arkansas. It sucks, and it sucks again.
But finally, my life has been able to slow down a little, enough for me to have time to work out. I should have been working out and eating right the whole time, but it was so hard, and it still is. And I have gained the weight back, not all of the thirty pounds I lost. I have gained back about 19ish pounds. Which again sucks. Honestly, right now, not much of my life doesnt suck. I try to keep a positive spin on everything, but its so hard going from having friends and family around, to having no one. I think a lot of my problem is depression, not a lot, but maybe a little.
I have had some health problems, nothing horrible mostly just when I started school. I caught a cold, and was out for a weekend, thankfully I only missed one class. After that, something screwed with my nerve in my back and it became pinched again, this is one problem I wish that I had never gotten, because once you get back pain, it never goes away. This time it was so bad, that I had a panic attack and called my mom because I literally could not move. I thought I could just tough it out, and eventually had to go to the chiropractor. That was about three weeks ago. I still have a little pain, but nothing like it was before. THEN I got a stomach bug and it was pretty awful. I just feel like I cant catch a break. And on top of all of this, I'm in grad school, which means that they have a ton of work that they want me to do.
I went to the doctor for my yearly inhaler refill, and I have been having problems since I moved with hair loss. I know thats crazy, but its true. Its not stress, because its not coming out in big clumps, just when I brush it, its going away, and when I wash it, it goes down the drain. I told her (my doctor) about this and she asked if I had gained a lot of weight, or lost weight, and I have, and I dont eat horribly but who gains 19 pounds back in 3 months? She asked me if I had heart palpitations and I never would have said anything about it, but I have had them randomly for about 6ish years, but more frequently lately. So yeah, she thinks its my thyroid. And if its not I just cant keep weight off, and I have a weird heart! Oh and I'm losing my hair.
I swear I didnt write this to complain about how much my life sucks right now, I promise that I just set out to tell whats been going on. So yeah. Now I'm finally in a place where I'm busy, but not sick, and I can move without pain, and I'm not having to run to the bathroom ever 10 minutes. Now I can workout, which is good because I feel like crap and I want to be able to move around and feel good about myself again.
I have been working in grad school on issues of body image, and I had decided to take a pictures of myself, because body image is something that I suffer from. I think that it's really hard not to be over weight and not have body image issues. We had our first critique a few weeks ago and it went okay, not great but okay. They liked that I had a lot of work to show, but the body image thing turned more into an exploration of myself and discovering who I am, and less about body image. Why? Because I just cant force myself to take a picture of my body that I can show people and not feel disgusted with. Talk about issues! I definitely cant do it nude, I dont want to see myself nude, why on earth would I want my professors and my friends to see me without clothes? Ugh! So now I feel lost on what to do. Do I keep going even though this is getting hard? Do I push myself through this and just take the pictures that I dont like? I tell myself that this is when I get the good stuff, when I push myself out of my comfort zone. But it is pushing me so far that its out of my emotional comfort zone as well as my photographic one as well.
All I can do is take pictures of my face! I think I have a great face, but its not helping me with the body issue topic. So yeah thats how things are, and I've been so uncomfortable that I have put off shooting anything, even though I should be in my studio (which needs to be painted and cleaned) 20 hours a week, and that just hasnt happened. So this week I'm going to do it, mainly because I HAVE to. My next critique is next Monday. So this week, I will be taking a TON of pictures. And this weekend I'm going to attack my studio.
"I can do this" thats my mantra right now as well as "put on your big girl panties" I say that all the time when I feel like I cant do this, which is a lot of the time.
I'm going to leave you with a couple of my pictures from my last critique.
Since I last typed at you, my life has changed drastically. HUGELY! While I was in Florida back in July I was told about an assistantship for graduate school at Louisiana Tech. I applied for it, but I didnt get it. However, they told me that they liked my work, and that they wanted me in the program. So they finagled it, and now I do have an assistantship and I'm gainfully employed by Louisiana Tech as a Graduate Assistant, where I now go to graduate school for photography.
It all happened so fast, my life has been turned upside down for the past three months. I got the assistantship, came and visited the campus, found a house and moved all within a month or less. It was crazy, and not really how I like things to happen. Me and the puppy moved, and Corey stayed on the road, and when he comes home from Huston in November, will still be working in Arkansas. It sucks, and it sucks again.
But finally, my life has been able to slow down a little, enough for me to have time to work out. I should have been working out and eating right the whole time, but it was so hard, and it still is. And I have gained the weight back, not all of the thirty pounds I lost. I have gained back about 19ish pounds. Which again sucks. Honestly, right now, not much of my life doesnt suck. I try to keep a positive spin on everything, but its so hard going from having friends and family around, to having no one. I think a lot of my problem is depression, not a lot, but maybe a little.
I have had some health problems, nothing horrible mostly just when I started school. I caught a cold, and was out for a weekend, thankfully I only missed one class. After that, something screwed with my nerve in my back and it became pinched again, this is one problem I wish that I had never gotten, because once you get back pain, it never goes away. This time it was so bad, that I had a panic attack and called my mom because I literally could not move. I thought I could just tough it out, and eventually had to go to the chiropractor. That was about three weeks ago. I still have a little pain, but nothing like it was before. THEN I got a stomach bug and it was pretty awful. I just feel like I cant catch a break. And on top of all of this, I'm in grad school, which means that they have a ton of work that they want me to do.
I went to the doctor for my yearly inhaler refill, and I have been having problems since I moved with hair loss. I know thats crazy, but its true. Its not stress, because its not coming out in big clumps, just when I brush it, its going away, and when I wash it, it goes down the drain. I told her (my doctor) about this and she asked if I had gained a lot of weight, or lost weight, and I have, and I dont eat horribly but who gains 19 pounds back in 3 months? She asked me if I had heart palpitations and I never would have said anything about it, but I have had them randomly for about 6ish years, but more frequently lately. So yeah, she thinks its my thyroid. And if its not I just cant keep weight off, and I have a weird heart! Oh and I'm losing my hair.
I swear I didnt write this to complain about how much my life sucks right now, I promise that I just set out to tell whats been going on. So yeah. Now I'm finally in a place where I'm busy, but not sick, and I can move without pain, and I'm not having to run to the bathroom ever 10 minutes. Now I can workout, which is good because I feel like crap and I want to be able to move around and feel good about myself again.
I have been working in grad school on issues of body image, and I had decided to take a pictures of myself, because body image is something that I suffer from. I think that it's really hard not to be over weight and not have body image issues. We had our first critique a few weeks ago and it went okay, not great but okay. They liked that I had a lot of work to show, but the body image thing turned more into an exploration of myself and discovering who I am, and less about body image. Why? Because I just cant force myself to take a picture of my body that I can show people and not feel disgusted with. Talk about issues! I definitely cant do it nude, I dont want to see myself nude, why on earth would I want my professors and my friends to see me without clothes? Ugh! So now I feel lost on what to do. Do I keep going even though this is getting hard? Do I push myself through this and just take the pictures that I dont like? I tell myself that this is when I get the good stuff, when I push myself out of my comfort zone. But it is pushing me so far that its out of my emotional comfort zone as well as my photographic one as well.
All I can do is take pictures of my face! I think I have a great face, but its not helping me with the body issue topic. So yeah thats how things are, and I've been so uncomfortable that I have put off shooting anything, even though I should be in my studio (which needs to be painted and cleaned) 20 hours a week, and that just hasnt happened. So this week I'm going to do it, mainly because I HAVE to. My next critique is next Monday. So this week, I will be taking a TON of pictures. And this weekend I'm going to attack my studio.
"I can do this" thats my mantra right now as well as "put on your big girl panties" I say that all the time when I feel like I cant do this, which is a lot of the time.
I'm going to leave you with a couple of my pictures from my last critique.
They werent big hits, except the first, but the second is my favorite. I'm off to bed, with the promise that I WILL workout tomorrow. And because now I have to pay for all my own food, I'm poor, so that makes a big difference in what and where I eat! So the plan is to eat tomato soup all week... yum! Last week it was pasta casserole. Maybe tomorrow I will post the recipes. I also now have REALLY good potato soup recipe that isnt horribly bad for you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
This may be a "too much information" post so if you don't want to read it, feel free not to, but before I get to that point, (I'll leave a warning when I do get there) I'm going to show off my pictures. I should love to post pictures of me, but I still don't like the way I look. And I still feel icky posting pictures. But the cool thing about these pictures is that you can tell what a difference this workout (and diet) have made on my body.

Well I guess I don't have a lot to say about these except that you can tell a difference! I'm also wearing a different bra, and I should have thought about that. But the other bra doesn't fit like it used to.
I'm especially excited that my belly is going away. And I can tell a big difference around my face. I measured today and I've lost 2 inches off my bust, and 4 inches off my hips. I don't remember the measurements off the top of my head (I have them written down someplace) but yeah, you get the idea!
Now... (TMI Starts NOW)
Okay so, one of the annoying side effects of all this weight loss, is that about a two months ago I started to have a period every other week for two weeks. I have always had erratic periods, probably because of my weight, or genetics, or whatever. Who knows! So I decided to give the good 'ol gyno a call and set up an appointment.
I knew what they were going to tell me before I ever made the appointment, but I wanted to go to make sure that everything was good down there. Well I went a month ago and I totally hate all the instruments and such but hey, it just goes with the territory. My mom told me that they used to use metal pokey things that they kept in the fridge! Can you imagine?! Thank God they didn't keep them in the freezer or they would get stuck to your skin. That would be horrible...
Gynecologist to patient "Ma'am, sorry but it's stuck..."
What an awful mental picture. Anyway, they told me that I was going to need to get on birth control to regulate my periods. Well that's what I knew they would tell me. I can't stand birth control. I took it for about 3 months when I first started college, and I was a mess. I cried all the time and was a mood swing waiting to happen. And so I got off of it because it made me insane. Then right before I got married I decided to give it a go again, because maybe in my mind I was exaggerating how I had felt 6 years ago. Well I didn't exaggerate it because that was exactly how I was again, even with a different brand.
So you can well imagine that I DID NOT want to get on birth control again, but it was either that, or have a period every for 3 weeks out of the month. So I started (much to my husbands delight) birth control again. Sometimes I can tell that I'm getting over emotional in a situation that I normally wouldn't be so upset about, but for the most part, this brand of pill is working for me. I'm using Generess and I imagine its probably a REALLY low dose of it. I've spotted pretty much all month, but nothing like it was before. The Gyno said to give it 2 months, so on Thursday I'll start my second month.
Heres hoping that it turns out okay, because I don't want to get a shot, and I sure don't want an IUD... bleh! I have heard for women who haven't had kids they really hurt, and I don't want that. Plus I've also heard that your partner can feel it when you have sex. Not sure about the source on that one, heard it from a friend's sister :).
I guess this wasn't really a bad post, but I figure that you just gotta post whats going on in your life, and this is my life... if you don't like you didn't have to read it :)
Here is my calories for the day:
Breakfast: 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup strawberries
Lunch: 3 Lasagna Cups, Small Salad with 1/2 and apple and 1/2 tsp of oil and vinegar for dressing, 10 cherries
Snack: 2 eggs, 1/2 oz of pepper jack cheese, 1/2 portabello mushroom, 1/4 cup spinach, 1/4 cup cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup carrots
Dinner: 4 oz crock pot chicken, 1 whole wheat tortilla, little lettuce and tomatoes, 1/4 cup black beans
Snack: Shakeology, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 banana
(Same old same old.... pretty boring huh?)
Workout: TF Fire 45 EZ
Water: 4 liters
Total Calories: 2038

Well I guess I don't have a lot to say about these except that you can tell a difference! I'm also wearing a different bra, and I should have thought about that. But the other bra doesn't fit like it used to.
I'm especially excited that my belly is going away. And I can tell a big difference around my face. I measured today and I've lost 2 inches off my bust, and 4 inches off my hips. I don't remember the measurements off the top of my head (I have them written down someplace) but yeah, you get the idea!
Now... (TMI Starts NOW)
Okay so, one of the annoying side effects of all this weight loss, is that about a two months ago I started to have a period every other week for two weeks. I have always had erratic periods, probably because of my weight, or genetics, or whatever. Who knows! So I decided to give the good 'ol gyno a call and set up an appointment.
I knew what they were going to tell me before I ever made the appointment, but I wanted to go to make sure that everything was good down there. Well I went a month ago and I totally hate all the instruments and such but hey, it just goes with the territory. My mom told me that they used to use metal pokey things that they kept in the fridge! Can you imagine?! Thank God they didn't keep them in the freezer or they would get stuck to your skin. That would be horrible...
Gynecologist to patient "Ma'am, sorry but it's stuck..."
What an awful mental picture. Anyway, they told me that I was going to need to get on birth control to regulate my periods. Well that's what I knew they would tell me. I can't stand birth control. I took it for about 3 months when I first started college, and I was a mess. I cried all the time and was a mood swing waiting to happen. And so I got off of it because it made me insane. Then right before I got married I decided to give it a go again, because maybe in my mind I was exaggerating how I had felt 6 years ago. Well I didn't exaggerate it because that was exactly how I was again, even with a different brand.
So you can well imagine that I DID NOT want to get on birth control again, but it was either that, or have a period every for 3 weeks out of the month. So I started (much to my husbands delight) birth control again. Sometimes I can tell that I'm getting over emotional in a situation that I normally wouldn't be so upset about, but for the most part, this brand of pill is working for me. I'm using Generess and I imagine its probably a REALLY low dose of it. I've spotted pretty much all month, but nothing like it was before. The Gyno said to give it 2 months, so on Thursday I'll start my second month.
Heres hoping that it turns out okay, because I don't want to get a shot, and I sure don't want an IUD... bleh! I have heard for women who haven't had kids they really hurt, and I don't want that. Plus I've also heard that your partner can feel it when you have sex. Not sure about the source on that one, heard it from a friend's sister :).
I guess this wasn't really a bad post, but I figure that you just gotta post whats going on in your life, and this is my life... if you don't like you didn't have to read it :)
Here is my calories for the day:
Breakfast: 1 cup cooked oatmeal, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup strawberries
Lunch: 3 Lasagna Cups, Small Salad with 1/2 and apple and 1/2 tsp of oil and vinegar for dressing, 10 cherries
Snack: 2 eggs, 1/2 oz of pepper jack cheese, 1/2 portabello mushroom, 1/4 cup spinach, 1/4 cup cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup carrots
Dinner: 4 oz crock pot chicken, 1 whole wheat tortilla, little lettuce and tomatoes, 1/4 cup black beans
Snack: Shakeology, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 banana
(Same old same old.... pretty boring huh?)
Workout: TF Fire 45 EZ
Water: 4 liters
Total Calories: 2038
Monday, June 18, 2012
Mini Lasagna Cups + Good News!
I FINALLY lost 30 pounds!!!! I'm stoked about this! I can't believe it. I've done Turbo Fire and Shakeology for three months and I've lost 30 pounds. Tomorrow I'll post some pictures! I told Corey today that if I lose 10 pounds a month, by December I can have lost 90 pounds! But I'm not going to get ahead of myself here! Sometimes it's just good to take it week by week and month by month. Sometimes I can't even look months ahead because sometimes its all I can do to get through a day!
I realized just now that I am out of the 250s. That is totally exciting. And I can't wait to be even less. In the past three months I've had great weeks and not so great weeks (you can go back and read about them! Ha!) and I'm really impressed that I've been blogging that long! Usually I crap out about a month into it.
Besides the exciting 30 pounds, I didn't do anything really exciting to day. Although I have an AMAZING dinner for you! But first calorie breakdown for today:
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries
Snack: 1 nectarine, 10 almonds
Lunch: 3 Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls, 3/4 cup roasted broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots, 10 cherries
Snack: 1 egg, 1/4 cup spinach, 1/2 ounce pepper jack cheese, 1/2 piece of flat bread, 5 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup carrots
Dinner: 3 Lasagna Cups, 1 cup of salad mix with 1/2 an apple, 1 tsp vinegar, 1/2 tsp olive oil
Snack: Shakeology, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 banana
Thats it! Total: 1967 calories
Workout: 20 minute 5k training, HITT 15 (today was my day off too!)
Water: 4-5 liters
On to my recipe!!
I got the recipe off of Pinterest and I don't remember where, but whoever made this... they are so good!
Mini Lasagna Cups:
Makes 18
Preheat oven to 375. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the turkey, onions, mushrooms, garlic, salt and pepper. Crumble the meat and sauté the mixture for about 10 minutes, or until turkey is cooked through.
Add the crushed (diced or sauce) tomatoes and 2 tsp of oregano and the bay leaves. Bring the mixture up to a gentle boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine the ricotta, pinch of salt and pepper, leftover oregano, and the basil. Stir to mix well. Set aside.
Coat a 12-cup and 6 cup muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray. Place 2 wonton wrappers in the bottom of the 18 cups. I found that if you put them in diamond shaped, they tend to take up more space and overlap better, press the wrappers into the muffin pan.
Take the ricotta mixture and place it on the bottom of the muffin cups, dividing it up between the 18 cups. Then using the turkey tomato sauce, spoon it over the ricotta mixture. Sprinkle the top with the mozzarella.
Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cheese has melted. Let them cool and serve them!
These are so good! And, while I don't have kids, would be really fun for kids to eat! They are super easy and very tasty. If you have picky eaters, and they don't like turkey, I promise they would never know it wasn't beef. Honestly when I pulled them out of the oven, it looked just like beef.
I served mine with a salad made of baby spinach, carrots, apples, vinegar, lemon and olive oil.
Calories: 158 for each cup! Not bad!
If you want to know all the nutrition info just let me know. I have it, just didn't write it all down!
I'm going to leave you with a picture of the "baby" sleeping.
I realized just now that I am out of the 250s. That is totally exciting. And I can't wait to be even less. In the past three months I've had great weeks and not so great weeks (you can go back and read about them! Ha!) and I'm really impressed that I've been blogging that long! Usually I crap out about a month into it.
Besides the exciting 30 pounds, I didn't do anything really exciting to day. Although I have an AMAZING dinner for you! But first calorie breakdown for today:
Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1/2 cup blueberries
Snack: 1 nectarine, 10 almonds
Lunch: 3 Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls, 3/4 cup roasted broccoli, 1/2 cup carrots, 10 cherries
Snack: 1 egg, 1/4 cup spinach, 1/2 ounce pepper jack cheese, 1/2 piece of flat bread, 5 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 cup carrots
Dinner: 3 Lasagna Cups, 1 cup of salad mix with 1/2 an apple, 1 tsp vinegar, 1/2 tsp olive oil
Snack: Shakeology, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 banana
Thats it! Total: 1967 calories
Workout: 20 minute 5k training, HITT 15 (today was my day off too!)
Water: 4-5 liters
On to my recipe!!
I got the recipe off of Pinterest and I don't remember where, but whoever made this... they are so good!
Mini Lasagna Cups:
Makes 18
- 1 pound raw ground turkey
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1-2 portobello mushrooms (mine was HUGE so I only used one), chopped
- 14.5 oz can of crushed tomatoes, or tomato sauce (I used diced and it was great)
- 3 cloves of garlic, minced
- 3 tsp dired oregano, divided
- 2 bay leaves
- 1/2 tsp dried basil
- 15 oz of part skim (or low fat) ricotta cheese
- 24 small square wanton wrappers
- 1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 375. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the turkey, onions, mushrooms, garlic, salt and pepper. Crumble the meat and sauté the mixture for about 10 minutes, or until turkey is cooked through.
Add the crushed (diced or sauce) tomatoes and 2 tsp of oregano and the bay leaves. Bring the mixture up to a gentle boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
Simmer for 10 minutes |
Coat a 12-cup and 6 cup muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray. Place 2 wonton wrappers in the bottom of the 18 cups. I found that if you put them in diamond shaped, they tend to take up more space and overlap better, press the wrappers into the muffin pan.
Take the ricotta mixture and place it on bottom |
Then the Tomato Mixture |
Lastly the Cheese |
Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cheese has melted. Let them cool and serve them!
This is how hard the "kitchen crew" works |
These are so good! And, while I don't have kids, would be really fun for kids to eat! They are super easy and very tasty. If you have picky eaters, and they don't like turkey, I promise they would never know it wasn't beef. Honestly when I pulled them out of the oven, it looked just like beef.
I served mine with a salad made of baby spinach, carrots, apples, vinegar, lemon and olive oil.
Calories: 158 for each cup! Not bad!
If you want to know all the nutrition info just let me know. I have it, just didn't write it all down!
I'm going to leave you with a picture of the "baby" sleeping.
Axel with a full belly! I want a giant pillow like this! |
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Baked Egg Rolls
![]() |
In honor of Father's Day, me and my Papa two years ago at my wedding |
So happy Father's Day to all those great dads out there! Make sure to tell all the father's in your life how much they mean to you!
Now! This week is the week of no eating out, yes I have gone for a month without eating out, but I plan to cook every night this week! I'm really excited about it and I have some awesome recipes lined up for the week. I'm doing this in an effort to make sure I'm counting my calories correctly and eating enough! Its really hard to count calories and eat out.
I'm not sure if I want to post the recipe first, or if I'm going to talk about my day... so I'm going with day first so if you want the recipe (SKIP TO THE RECIPE NOW!!!). When I go to blogs to read recipes, I like to skip the crap, you won't hurt my feelings!
Now I didn't post about this earlier, mostly because I have had so much more to talk about, but Corey (my husband) is going to be gone for two months working in Huston. It's been a whole week without him and I miss him terribly. Usually he is gone for a week and comes home during the summer, when Best Buy sends him out to work in different stores. But this time they are working longer and at further away stores. He says in September he is going to be in DC for two weeks to work. I told him that I'm coming to visit the weekend that he is there... we'll see if that actually happens (but my bet is on me :)!)
But the cool thing (and if you are counting calories and it might not be such a cool thing) is that I'm going to visit at the end of the month! We are going to the beach! Super excited about that! But I'll be away from home, I'm going to get a blender to bring with me so I can have my shakes and I'm working out while I'm down there too, because I just can't go 4 days without working out. Especially with all the eating I'm going to be doing!
A side not about the bodybugg... I told Corey he should get one (because he is trying to lose weight too) and I sent him the one I had gotten and it is for sale for 99 bucks!!! Here is my referral to you, if I refer someone I get 25 bucks for my subscription and YOU get 20 dollars off your purchase!! How awesome is that?! To do that just send me an email at rachele(dot)smith(at)yahoo(dot)com (sorry about the email dots and at, I just don't want crappy spammers sending me email) and tell me that you want to be referred to get 20 bucks off your bodybugg! Or here is the LINK to buy one without a referral from me. Either way, it's a great little thing to have. I don't even notice it on my arm any more and I absolutely love knowing how many calories my body has burned a day. There is nothing that makes me want to work out more than seeing how many calories I really burned during a workout. And the coolest thing is that it is the real amount of calories you burned, not just some randomly generated number from an app on your phone.
Here is my calorie count for the day, although I did switch it up and move my shake to my last meal of the day.
Breakfast: 1 cup of cooked oatmeal, 1 small apple, 1 packet trivia
Lunch: 1 serving Chicken Tikka Masala with rice, 1/2 c of grapes
Afternoon snack: 1/2 piece of yellow cake, 1/3 of a piece of brownie
Dinner: 4 buffalo chicken egg rolls, 1/2 cup steamed veggies, 1 cup watermelon
Evening Snack: Shakeology, 1 c almond milk, 1 banana, 1 tbsp almond milk
Total for the day: 1690 calories (arg I need to eat more!)
Water: 3 liters
Workout: Turbo Fire, Fire 30, Stretch 10
Now on to the good stuff!!
For dinner I cooked Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls. I got the recipe at Can You Stay For Dinner, and as always I couldn't leave well enough alone and had to shake up her wonderful recipe! So if you want the original head on over. Or just keep reading and get close to it!
Buffalo Chicken Egg Rolls
- 12 egg roll wrappers
- 1 cup (6 oz) of cooked chicken, shredded (I had 8 oz of left over chicken and it made 16 rolls)
- 1-2 Tbsp Sriracha hot sauce (or whatever you have on hand)
- 1 cup crumbled blue cheese (4 oz)
- 1 cup of broccoli slaw or coleslaw, make sure its dry
- small bowl of water
- non stick cooking spray
Preheat oven to 400
Lay out the egg roll wrapper on a clean work surface. In a bowl stir chicken** together with hot sauce until coated, feel free to use more hot sauce, we don't like horribly spicy things at my house, or take some away if you dont like my amount! Next place a little bit of the chicken on the wrappers, then 1-2 tablespoons of the slaw, and half a table spoon of the blue cheese crumbles. Don't over fill! I didn't have this problem.
To fold: Dab a bit of water on the 4 corners of the wrapper. Fold the left and right sides in. Put a line of water at the top of the wrapper and roll from the bottom up and when you get to the top lightly press the loose part of the wrapper to the roll. If this doesn't make any sense, just play with it. That's what I ended up doing to get the best roll.
Place the finished rolls on a pan sprayed with non stick cooking spray and place in the oven. Bake 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. About 10 minutes into cooking I flipped them over and sprayed them with the non stick cooking spray to make them brown and crunchy all over.
Like I said above, I did this with leftover chicken. You can cook half a pound of chicken and shred it and use it in this recipe.
This was a perfect leftover recipe and if you have random ingredients laying around your kitchen I suggest you put them in an egg rolls. We decided tonight that they would be awesome with mexican food too, with some corn and black beans and cheddar cheese! Yum!
These only have 101 calories each! So good!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
That's What it Takes
Today was good. I got up and took Axel the Puppy to see my brother Stephen at Tractor Supply because he wanted to show him off to his boss. So we dropped by real fast and because we were the first dog of the day, they took his picture on a display for a dog food and he got a bag of free dog food! I've never gotten anything like that before! All because my dog is adorable! It's not the type of food he eats, but we have a year or so to switch so I'm not worried about it.
At Tractor Supply I picked up some flea treatment for Winnie, who was going outside today, and also a flea collar. I really don't want her tracking fleas into my newly sprayed yard. Okay, I got the most adorable dog pillow today and it was super cheap. Everything at Tractor Supply is SUPER CHEAP!!! Usually we get puppy pads at Petco, and we got a pack of 100, and they were 42 bucks, but at TS (Tractor Supply, just going to abbreviate) it was only 19 bucks... can you believe that? From now on I'm getting all my stuff at TS, plus they have the spray we use on the floor and on fabric that gets the smell of urine out of it so that the pets don't associate the place they pee with urine smell and keep coming back.
Came home and took Winnie outside and flea treated her and then I let her roam around, she took to it very well and wanted to adventure everywhere. I showed her where the food and water was (because it is very hot, and I want her to be able to ALWAYS have water outside. Came in after spending time with her and cried about it.
Then I decided to tackle the "girls room" where Winnie and Reesie were staying. It is my old bedroom and when Corey moved in, mom let us have the big living room area, that is off the main part of the house, and I moved out of my room. The living room is big enough for our queen bed, a huge couch, dressers, TV, book shelves and various tables that have our stuff all over them. It is a huge room. So we moved "the girls" into my old room, with all their stuff, including all our boxed up wedding gifts. Other than putting the gifts in the room, I hadn't done much to them. Some were still in gift bags or boxes. And the cats had clawed up pretty much all the bags, which were full of hair. I have swept in that room, but haven't really decatifed the room. It was a mess! So I spent the rest of the morning from 10 till 1 cleaning up. I rearranged, moved things, moved presents into better boxes, vacuumed, swept, vacuumed more... yeah it was pretty hairy(hahaha). I think that there was enough hair in there to re-hair at least 2 other cats, or 6.
After that I felt filthy and didn't want to work out like I was. I didn't feel like working out. But I knew that I needed to, so I decided after dinner with the family that I would come home and do my workout.
My cousin graduated today and his dad came in from Canada, and so we had a big dinner for my cousin to celebrate his college graduation! I was good at dinner, but I was really hungry because I didn't have much for lunch. And I did eat some cake and a little sliver of brownie, I figured that I would work it off later!
We ended up playing a card game that took 2-ish hours and I didn't get home till about 9. But I was pumped and determined to work out. I mean usually I don't go to bed until 11 or 12, so I went ahead and did it. I did my 25 minute HITT class and also my 30 minute Sculpt, and it felt great! I killed it and I was so glad that I had!!
Tomorrow, I'm going to vegg out! And workout! Or maybe I'll go ride my bike tomorrow night... something to think about. Hopefully it won't be too hot. I'll check the forecast. I want to get to the point where I can ride 10+ miles :).
The Bodybugg sight is down for maintenance, so I don't have how many calories that I have eaten today, so I'm just going to write out what I ate and how much, tomorrow I'll come back in and tally up how much I ate!
Saturday's Breakdown:
Breakfast: Shakeology, 1 c almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 banana (461 calories because I eat this every day!!)
Lunch: 2 oz Cornflake Chicken, 13 baked green beans, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1.5 cup watermelon
Snack: 1 cup cooked oats, 1 packet truvia, 1/2 c blueberries, 1 tsp almond butter
Dinner: 2 chicken strips, 6 oz pork, 2 tbsp bbq sauce, 1/4 cup mustard coleslaw, 6 corn chips, 2 cups watermelon, 8 cherries, 1/2 piece of yellow cake, small sliver of brownie.
Late Snack: 1/2 cup blueberries, 14 almonds
Can we say blueberries and almonds today?
Water: 4 liters
Workouts: cleaning, Turbo Fire HITT 25, TF Sculpt 30
Over all I'm super tired, and ready to hit the hay, but I have a load of laundry that has all my dirty workout clothes that I need to switch to the dryer before I go to bed!
At Tractor Supply I picked up some flea treatment for Winnie, who was going outside today, and also a flea collar. I really don't want her tracking fleas into my newly sprayed yard. Okay, I got the most adorable dog pillow today and it was super cheap. Everything at Tractor Supply is SUPER CHEAP!!! Usually we get puppy pads at Petco, and we got a pack of 100, and they were 42 bucks, but at TS (Tractor Supply, just going to abbreviate) it was only 19 bucks... can you believe that? From now on I'm getting all my stuff at TS, plus they have the spray we use on the floor and on fabric that gets the smell of urine out of it so that the pets don't associate the place they pee with urine smell and keep coming back.
Came home and took Winnie outside and flea treated her and then I let her roam around, she took to it very well and wanted to adventure everywhere. I showed her where the food and water was (because it is very hot, and I want her to be able to ALWAYS have water outside. Came in after spending time with her and cried about it.
Then I decided to tackle the "girls room" where Winnie and Reesie were staying. It is my old bedroom and when Corey moved in, mom let us have the big living room area, that is off the main part of the house, and I moved out of my room. The living room is big enough for our queen bed, a huge couch, dressers, TV, book shelves and various tables that have our stuff all over them. It is a huge room. So we moved "the girls" into my old room, with all their stuff, including all our boxed up wedding gifts. Other than putting the gifts in the room, I hadn't done much to them. Some were still in gift bags or boxes. And the cats had clawed up pretty much all the bags, which were full of hair. I have swept in that room, but haven't really decatifed the room. It was a mess! So I spent the rest of the morning from 10 till 1 cleaning up. I rearranged, moved things, moved presents into better boxes, vacuumed, swept, vacuumed more... yeah it was pretty hairy
After that I felt filthy and didn't want to work out like I was. I didn't feel like working out. But I knew that I needed to, so I decided after dinner with the family that I would come home and do my workout.
My cousin graduated today and his dad came in from Canada, and so we had a big dinner for my cousin to celebrate his college graduation! I was good at dinner, but I was really hungry because I didn't have much for lunch. And I did eat some cake and a little sliver of brownie, I figured that I would work it off later!
We ended up playing a card game that took 2-ish hours and I didn't get home till about 9. But I was pumped and determined to work out. I mean usually I don't go to bed until 11 or 12, so I went ahead and did it. I did my 25 minute HITT class and also my 30 minute Sculpt, and it felt great! I killed it and I was so glad that I had!!
Tomorrow, I'm going to vegg out! And workout! Or maybe I'll go ride my bike tomorrow night... something to think about. Hopefully it won't be too hot. I'll check the forecast. I want to get to the point where I can ride 10+ miles :).
The Bodybugg sight is down for maintenance, so I don't have how many calories that I have eaten today, so I'm just going to write out what I ate and how much, tomorrow I'll come back in and tally up how much I ate!
Saturday's Breakdown:
Breakfast: Shakeology, 1 c almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 banana (461 calories because I eat this every day!!)
Lunch: 2 oz Cornflake Chicken, 13 baked green beans, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1.5 cup watermelon
Snack: 1 cup cooked oats, 1 packet truvia, 1/2 c blueberries, 1 tsp almond butter
Dinner: 2 chicken strips, 6 oz pork, 2 tbsp bbq sauce, 1/4 cup mustard coleslaw, 6 corn chips, 2 cups watermelon, 8 cherries, 1/2 piece of yellow cake, small sliver of brownie.
Late Snack: 1/2 cup blueberries, 14 almonds
Can we say blueberries and almonds today?
Water: 4 liters
Workouts: cleaning, Turbo Fire HITT 25, TF Sculpt 30
Over all I'm super tired, and ready to hit the hay, but I have a load of laundry that has all my dirty workout clothes that I need to switch to the dryer before I go to bed!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Things I have no control over
I have read that stress can make you put on weight, and to be honest, I am stressed. I try not to let it bother me, but yes stress bothers me. You would think that a person who doesn't have a job wouldn't be stressed out, well let me tell you that this is far from the truth, I think it makes me more stressed out.
Maybe I've just had a shitty day, I don't know but there are a couple of things that have been bothering me, and you (if you stick around after this WARNING) get to hear about it.
So if you haven't been keeping up with the blog here is the DL about my job status. I graduated in December, got a job in January that lasted 2 months. My boss was verbally abusive and just a bitch, and so I left because it wasn't worth the pain and stress it was causing me. I live with my mom (and my husband who is out of town a lot) so I don't have rent or a mortgage. We are able to live only off Corey's pay check because we just don't spend money. SO there you go!
Now to the fun stuff (not really), I can't find a job. I feel 100% discouraged. There are no jobs in my field, and while I'm qualified to work as a secretary, so far, no one wants to hire me. It is beyond frustrating and I feel like a total failure. My husband has no support, we don't have a place that is ours... its just awful. I'm thankful every day for my mom, but I want to get out and be married.
So it all boils down to what kind of job can I get? Should I go to graduate school? I don't even know what I want to do if I did go back. Should I just hide in academia until the economy looks better? Do I want more student loans? If I go back to school should I pick a second degree?
The answer to all these questions is: I don't know.
I don't know what I expected when I graduated, maybe a photography job would fall out of the sky into my lap... (yeah right...) but that didn't happen and now I don't know what to do, and I feel like I've thought it over so many times I've just confused myself, and I'm not any closer to deciding what I should do. When I graduated, I wanted to go to graduate school. I felt like I had so much more learning to do. But after I was out for a while I realized, "What do I do with a masters degree in photography?" I don't really like portrait photography, which is really what people like, and I don't want to go into business for myself.
I keep thinking that this is a blessing because I get a chance to focus on me, on my health and on fitness and trying to lose this weight while I have a pause in my life. But there really isn't a pause to life and I don't really know what to do... *sigh*
Now the second thing that has been stressing me out lately is this: When I came home to live with my mom after ASU, I had two cats, Reesie and Winnie. Reesie is a black cat and is as sweet as sugar. Winnie is a fluffy black and white cat and is very mean. She does not like other animals and can barely tolerate Reesie. Well Corey has one cat named Pixie and every time Winnie sees Pixie she attacks, brutally. She will even attack the door to the room Pixie stays in. We have had to separate the two sets of cats in different rooms, because they just can't get along.
Now that the puppy is here, Winnie hates him. Winnie tolerated Rosie, but would try to trap her in corners and Rosie couldn't get out. And I can't imagine what Winnie would do to Axel if he came near her. And she is so fat and big from the lack of exercise because they can't get out of the rooms all the time, and if that 20 pound cat attacked me (which she almost did tonight) it would effin hurt!
We have tried so many things to get Winnie to accept the other animals in the house. I have read countless articles about it, and nothing works. It's so frustrating. So I called Corey (who is out of town.. more about that later) and I told him that she is just going to have to be an outside cat from now on. I just can't do this. You can't leave them in a room all the time. They don't get exercise or get to be around other people and animals and I can't keep punishing Reesie and Pixie, who would be fine together given the chance, because of one mean cat. So she is going outside. She is 7 years old and I feel like this is all my fault, but I had no idea she would turn out to be so mean and she wouldn't accept other pets.
So the question is what do I do? I hate to put her out, but I don't feel like I have any other choice. I love her but she doesn't love anyone but me, Corey and rarely mom. Anyway, she is going to be outside. We have a covered back porch and she should be fine, lots of room to roam around and move, and maybe thats just the whole problem.
I'm just going to pray that I get a job, or that somehow I figure out what to do with my life. But really, I just feel like a failure. I'm 26 and I have graduated from college and am married, thats it!
Despite the fact that I can't get a handle on my professional life, I have decided to do some more things to spice up my weight loss. First off I have decided not to cut my hair until I drop all my weight. At the end I'll get it all chopped off and donate it. (can't wait for that already!) Secondly, I'm going to eat the exact amount of calories that the bodybugg says I should, usually I eat between 1500-1700 calories a day just because thats usually what fills me up, unless I eat out or eat something out of the norm (see yesterday's sonic blast...) But the bodybugg says I should eat 2150 calories, which is a lot more than 1500. I'm going to do it for a week and see if it makes a difference in how I feel and if I lose more weight. I'm not going to put in bad stuff to supplement my food, just more of the good stuff, make sure to eat snacks and such.
Here is the breakdown of my meals today:
Breakfast: Shakeology, 1 banana, 1 c almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter (same old same old): 461 calories
Lunch: Ciabatta roll, 3 tbsp tomato sauce, 1 oz mozzarella cheese, 1/2 oz of pepper jack cheese, 1 cup of water mellon: 393 calories
Snack: 1 cup (cooked) oats, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 packet of Truvia: 201 calories
Dinner: 2 meatballs 5 oz ground beef, 1 1/2 cup penne pasta, 2 pieces garlic bread, 1 oz mozzarella, small salad, 1 1/2 tbsp ranch dressing, 2 fried mushrooms, 1/2 cup tomato sauce: 1143
Post Dinner snack: 20 oz orange shaved ice: 300ish calories (this is just an estimate not really sure about this)
Total Calories: 2491 calories
Water: 5 liters
Work out: Fire 55 EZ
According to the bodybugg I burned 3530, which gives me a deficit of 1039, which should keep me on track to lose 2 pounds this week.
I did over eat at dinner, but I went out to eat with family. Tomorrow I know we are having BBQ for dinner, so I think I'm just going to go without the bun (bread) because it'll give me heart burn. Glad I haven't been eating so much during the day. If I'm going to meet my total goal of 2150 calories I will need to eat more. The funny thing is though that I'm not hungry. I meant to eat a snack between lunch and breakfast, but I was so busy worrying about jobs and graduate school that I wasn't hungry.
Maybe I've just had a shitty day, I don't know but there are a couple of things that have been bothering me, and you (if you stick around after this WARNING) get to hear about it.
So if you haven't been keeping up with the blog here is the DL about my job status. I graduated in December, got a job in January that lasted 2 months. My boss was verbally abusive and just a bitch, and so I left because it wasn't worth the pain and stress it was causing me. I live with my mom (and my husband who is out of town a lot) so I don't have rent or a mortgage. We are able to live only off Corey's pay check because we just don't spend money. SO there you go!
Now to the fun stuff (not really), I can't find a job. I feel 100% discouraged. There are no jobs in my field, and while I'm qualified to work as a secretary, so far, no one wants to hire me. It is beyond frustrating and I feel like a total failure. My husband has no support, we don't have a place that is ours... its just awful. I'm thankful every day for my mom, but I want to get out and be married.
So it all boils down to what kind of job can I get? Should I go to graduate school? I don't even know what I want to do if I did go back. Should I just hide in academia until the economy looks better? Do I want more student loans? If I go back to school should I pick a second degree?
The answer to all these questions is: I don't know.
I don't know what I expected when I graduated, maybe a photography job would fall out of the sky into my lap... (yeah right...) but that didn't happen and now I don't know what to do, and I feel like I've thought it over so many times I've just confused myself, and I'm not any closer to deciding what I should do. When I graduated, I wanted to go to graduate school. I felt like I had so much more learning to do. But after I was out for a while I realized, "What do I do with a masters degree in photography?" I don't really like portrait photography, which is really what people like, and I don't want to go into business for myself.
I keep thinking that this is a blessing because I get a chance to focus on me, on my health and on fitness and trying to lose this weight while I have a pause in my life. But there really isn't a pause to life and I don't really know what to do... *sigh*
Now the second thing that has been stressing me out lately is this: When I came home to live with my mom after ASU, I had two cats, Reesie and Winnie. Reesie is a black cat and is as sweet as sugar. Winnie is a fluffy black and white cat and is very mean. She does not like other animals and can barely tolerate Reesie. Well Corey has one cat named Pixie and every time Winnie sees Pixie she attacks, brutally. She will even attack the door to the room Pixie stays in. We have had to separate the two sets of cats in different rooms, because they just can't get along.
Now that the puppy is here, Winnie hates him. Winnie tolerated Rosie, but would try to trap her in corners and Rosie couldn't get out. And I can't imagine what Winnie would do to Axel if he came near her. And she is so fat and big from the lack of exercise because they can't get out of the rooms all the time, and if that 20 pound cat attacked me (which she almost did tonight) it would effin hurt!
We have tried so many things to get Winnie to accept the other animals in the house. I have read countless articles about it, and nothing works. It's so frustrating. So I called Corey (who is out of town.. more about that later) and I told him that she is just going to have to be an outside cat from now on. I just can't do this. You can't leave them in a room all the time. They don't get exercise or get to be around other people and animals and I can't keep punishing Reesie and Pixie, who would be fine together given the chance, because of one mean cat. So she is going outside. She is 7 years old and I feel like this is all my fault, but I had no idea she would turn out to be so mean and she wouldn't accept other pets.
This is Reesie |
Corey and Winnie |
Winnie |
Pixie |
So the question is what do I do? I hate to put her out, but I don't feel like I have any other choice. I love her but she doesn't love anyone but me, Corey and rarely mom. Anyway, she is going to be outside. We have a covered back porch and she should be fine, lots of room to roam around and move, and maybe thats just the whole problem.
I'm just going to pray that I get a job, or that somehow I figure out what to do with my life. But really, I just feel like a failure. I'm 26 and I have graduated from college and am married, thats it!
Despite the fact that I can't get a handle on my professional life, I have decided to do some more things to spice up my weight loss. First off I have decided not to cut my hair until I drop all my weight. At the end I'll get it all chopped off and donate it. (can't wait for that already!) Secondly, I'm going to eat the exact amount of calories that the bodybugg says I should, usually I eat between 1500-1700 calories a day just because thats usually what fills me up, unless I eat out or eat something out of the norm (see yesterday's sonic blast...) But the bodybugg says I should eat 2150 calories, which is a lot more than 1500. I'm going to do it for a week and see if it makes a difference in how I feel and if I lose more weight. I'm not going to put in bad stuff to supplement my food, just more of the good stuff, make sure to eat snacks and such.
Here is the breakdown of my meals today:
Breakfast: Shakeology, 1 banana, 1 c almond milk, 1 tbsp almond butter (same old same old): 461 calories
Lunch: Ciabatta roll, 3 tbsp tomato sauce, 1 oz mozzarella cheese, 1/2 oz of pepper jack cheese, 1 cup of water mellon: 393 calories
Snack: 1 cup (cooked) oats, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 packet of Truvia: 201 calories
Dinner: 2 meatballs 5 oz ground beef, 1 1/2 cup penne pasta, 2 pieces garlic bread, 1 oz mozzarella, small salad, 1 1/2 tbsp ranch dressing, 2 fried mushrooms, 1/2 cup tomato sauce: 1143
Post Dinner snack: 20 oz orange shaved ice: 300ish calories (this is just an estimate not really sure about this)
Total Calories: 2491 calories
Water: 5 liters
Work out: Fire 55 EZ
According to the bodybugg I burned 3530, which gives me a deficit of 1039, which should keep me on track to lose 2 pounds this week.
I did over eat at dinner, but I went out to eat with family. Tomorrow I know we are having BBQ for dinner, so I think I'm just going to go without the bun (bread) because it'll give me heart burn. Glad I haven't been eating so much during the day. If I'm going to meet my total goal of 2150 calories I will need to eat more. The funny thing is though that I'm not hungry. I meant to eat a snack between lunch and breakfast, but I was so busy worrying about jobs and graduate school that I wasn't hungry.
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