I meant to post this yesterday, but honestly during the week I dont have much time to do anything. So! I'll just post it today! This past weekend I ended up switching how I was going to work out. Originally, my plan was to run Friday and swim on Saturday and Sunday. Friday, I went and swam for an hour doing laps. After that I got a call from a friend asking if I wanted to work out, I knew that if I said no, she probably wouldnt do it, so I said yes and went back to the gym. We did the stationary bike for about 55 minutes and then did weight lifting, concentrating on our arms. So Saturday rolls around and my arms were so damn sore they felt like they were going to fall off, because of this, I had a rest day on Saturday and then instead of running Friday I ran on Sunday and then went swimming.
I'm super excited to say that on Sunday I wasnt feeling it at all, I could barely get through a minute of straight running, but at the end of the workout, I had about 10 minutes left and I moved the pace down a lot and ran for 5 whole minutes!!!!! I felt so good about myself after that! So today was my next run day and I figured if I could run for five minutes once, I could do it again. I ran first for 5 minutes, walked for 1, ran for 6, walked 1, ran 7, walked 1 and ran 8, then I had like 10 minutes left so I walked 2 and ran 3 then finished my last 5 minutes with a cool down! I wish I could have done that all the way through without stopping, but I'll get there. Needless to say this is HUGE news and I'm beyond excited, because in May I could only run for 15 seconds at a time!
Something else that I did this weekend was 1. I stayed on track ALL weekend!!! 2. I went to the farmer's market. I dont have a three, but I think the reason I was able to do so well this weekend, was because I had all this awesome fresh produce to eat. I got okra, blueberries, watermelon, squash, bread and a ton of tomatoes. They sold me a giant bag of almost mushy tomatoes because they were going to go bad, and because its super easy for me to make a soup, freeze it and bring it for dinner when I work at the school, I had planned to use those tomatoes in my chicken tortilla soup, which has a tomato base to it.
I wasnt able to cook it on Sunday night, which had been my plan (I kept running into people during my day and getting side tracked from what I needed to do) so I did it last night on my night off. When I cook this dish, I cook the chicken separate from the soup because I have to grind up the veggies in the blender to make it a smooth soup. So I put the chicken in a pot with water to cook, and everything is going well, my soup smells good and is bubbling along nicely and my chicken looks to be finished cooking. I turn off the boiling water and grab a couple of forks so I can pull the chicken apart to make sure its done in the middle- I did it right over the pot of boiling water, and the chicken fell back into the pot and splashed my left hand with water. Oh how it hurt. I screamed and started running cold water over my hand. After a little while it still hurt insanely, my mom had said that I could put lavender oil on a burn and it would soothe it, so I do that, and nothing happens. So I pull the chicken out of the pot and put them on my cutting board and grab a bag of frozen veggies and a tea towel and sit on the couch to try to take the heat out of my hand.
Usually if I burn myself I would put aloe on it, and it wouldnt hurt at all, but I dont have an aloe plant, so I was SOL. After a while the pain was tolerable and so I go back into the kitchen to pull my chicken and to blend the soup. Its in a huge pot, and so I have to ladle it out into the blender and grind it up. Thats when the next horrible thing happens. I set the lid down to the blender and I'm looking and looking for it, and I'm getting super pissed because the last time someone used the blender lid, it wasnt me, and I thought that my friend had misplaced it. Because I cant find this lid, I get a flat cutting board and put it on top of the blender and turn it on...
You can imagine what happened next... my kitchen was splattered in tomato soup. By this point I just wanted to scream and eat some bread, but I was really hungry and I had all that chicken that I had just burned my hand to cook, so I found the lid, it was under a dish towel where I had put it and kept blending the soup. It was excellent by the way.
That's what I've been up to lately, tonight I have to work and when I get home I need to do the dishes from last night, I couldnt get my hand in the rubber glove last night because the burn was so bad. Eventually I had the bright idea to check for some sunburn aloe vera in my bathroom. Thank the Lord I had some because after 5 thick coats it finally stopped throbbing. I also took some aspirin :)