I do have to plan meals out, and make sure that I have food around that has protein in it. Honestly, I think I get more protein now that I'm thinking more about it, than I ever did when I just ate meat. I dont really like sandwiches with meat on them, so I dont feel like I'm missing out on much.
I did have some salmon on Saturday night, but I figure that its fish so it doesnt count, which is silly, I know. But its not pork, chicken or beef, all of which I dont want to eat. Speaking of Saturday, the weirdest thing happened. I had a good dinner, it was salmon with asparagus and potatoes and cheese dip. So I had some cereal about 2 hours before I went to bed, because I was starving and my stomach gets really sour if I dont eat. I woke up at 6 am on Sunday morning and my mouth started watering like filling with saliva (that is such a gross word) and I started to feel nauseous. I spit out the water in my mouth and then I ran to the bathroom and threw up. There wasnt anything in my stomach, everything had digested. I dont know what the problem was. If it was food poisoning it would have started sooner, and I would have felt much worse. I felt fine before and after throwing up.
This has happened a couple of times before, once after I ate some almond butter and an english muffin and the other times it has woken me up, but I havent thrown up. I'm not a thrower-upper really. I think I can count on my hands the number of times that I've thrown up in my life.
I dont think it was the salmon, because Corey had it too, and he was fine. Plus I've only not been eating meat for a week. So, not really sure what happened, and I hope it doesnt happen again! I hate throwing up!
Today I started my first day with my new Assistantship with the Associate Dean of the liberal arts. I had originally hopped to get this assistantship, but another lady was picked over me. She left right after our Christmas break and so I am now filling the job. It's going to make my days much longer, and it will be more work, but I'm game for it. As my mom said, I do better when I dont have much time. I thrive when I dont have a lot of down time.
I took some fun pictures this weekend. I wanted to do what one of my professors has suggested and take 5 different pictures of one thing. The first one I did was a concept, so when I think of my family and my grandma I think of my grandma having all this knowledge, and so I took some pictures around this idea. I wanted to start with recipes because thats the base for everything thats done in the kitchen.

This second comes from the idea that she knows exactly the measurement to pour into her hand hand without using measuring spoons.

I also think I'm often not measuring up to the high standards that I feel my family has for me, and so this is one of my images trying to depict that.

I'm running out of time so for now, thats going to have to do!
ALSO I lost 4 pounds!!! HUZZAH!
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