This is so true and so appropriate for me. I always seem to give up and think "Oh if I had just kept going I could have lost 20 pounds these past few months." And the more time passes, the more I think if I had just kept going I could have lost even more weight! I dont because I gave up. So now I've lost a total of 20 pounds. I dont know if I can really tell yet. I know you probably get really tired of hearing this, but this is so hard, and so depressing.
Every day is a battle to not eat badly, to not binge or go and buy something that I know is bad for me. I have to force myself to workout, even though I do enjoy it. Nothing about this is easy. But I know its worth it. I dont want people who are reading this to think that you cant do it. Because if I can do this, anyone can.
I left Jonesboro this weekend, and I was driving the three hours to my mom's house and I would get really cold, turn on the heater, then get super hot. I got chills. When I got home I couldnt get warm and laid down in bed and went to sleep. I woke up warm, went to dinner with Corey and my brother and ate a few chips and didnt feel like eating all of my fajitas. So I got it to go. I was still really cold, and laid back down in bed when we got home, Corey laid down with me and we took a nap. I woke up with a fever. But it broke in the middle of the night.
I'm still not feeling 100% better. I took a day off yesterday and just felt weird today. I am probably just going to workout after The Biggest Loser goes off.
Tomorrow I have to go home. I'm so so so not looking forward to going back to Ruston. I dont know why. Probably because I'm ready to be done with school for a while, more than just a week. Only 12 weeks and I'll be done with my first year. 12 weeks! I wonder how much weight I can lose in three months.
I just have to keep going because the time will pass even if I'm not trying to lose weight. I just want to say a BIG HUGE thank you to all the ladies on myfitnesspal who help keep me motivated. I'm so so gald for the Women's Weight Loss group because they sure do help!
Good job! You can do this. One foot in front of the other, and before you know it the journey is done.