Wednesday, June 13, 2012

So close to 30!

Today we went to petco to get some kitty litter, and the container was 30 pounds. I'm 4 pound away from having lost 30, and when I picked up that 30 pounds of kitty litter,  I could barely pick it up!

I can't imagine having toted around 30 pounds of weight. It almost makes me sick to think that that was on my body! Where was all that!? And I can't believe I have so much more to go!

I have been battling with feeling discouraged. Mostly because I'm not up to where I was workout wise, when I started slacking off two weeks ago. It really is a bummer to me. But I just keep telling myself that there are battles during war, and I'm waging a war, and every thing I have to over come is a battle, and a war is won one battle at a time!

So I just have to keep on going and realize that there is a bigger picture here, it may take me a while to get to where I need to be. I'm just going to take it one day at a time! Like I put in my last post: 

And that's just the truth of the whole thing! 

Other than going to Petco today I also went to Whole Foods and also to Home Depot. Last night as I was taking a shower, the shower head is actually one of those that is on a hose and you can take it off and use it all over, rather than just being attached to the wall. Well right at the end of the shower, I dropped it and the dang thing popped off the base.... I thought at first that I had just popped it off and that I could screw it back on, but no, it was broken off. One of the plastic tubes inside was broken. So I had to get another one. 

What I go through the most in eating every week is almond milk, almond butter and bananas for my shakeology shakes. Yes I'm still doing them. This is my third bag of it, and I'm totally addicted to it. I just can't help it. They fill me up, and I get lots of good stuff in them. It is my favorite meal of the day! Anyway, so I really only like REAL almond butter, which is to say I'm totally spoiled and only like to get it from Whole Foods and get fresh ground almond butter. I go through a tub in about a month. I love it that much. I also get my almond milk there. I can get it at my local grocery store, but it's Silk and I don't want silk, I want almond milk. So I had to run up to Little Rock for the groceries. 

I love Whole Foods, but everything is so damn over priced. I mean really? I can get the exact same blueberries at my local grocery store for 1 dollar less... And I always wonder if organic is really that much better. In the case of oranges, it does taste much better.

So I picked up dinner there. I wanted something really fresh and summery so we had squash cookies (which are sliced pan fried squash with corn meal on them), fried okra (again not breaded and deep fried, but real corn meal fried okra), baked chicken, tomato and mozzarella salad, and bread. OMG it was soooo good!! I wish I had taken a picture of it!! I love meals like this, but at the same time, I never know how to count calories for it!

So here is the breakdown of my food for the day:

Before I say anything about this though, I didn't eat breakfast because I was feeling like crap and slept until 11.

Lunch: Ciabatta roll (160 calories), 1 ounce skim mozzarella cheese (71 calories), 1/2 ounce of pepper jack cheese (54 calories), 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce (14 calories) , 1 cup of grapes (104 calories)
Total: 403

Snack: Tropical Strawberry Shakeology (160), banana (109), 1 tablespoon of almond butter (101), 1 cup almond milk (40)
Total: 410

Dinner: 1/2 cup fried okra (160), 3 oz chicken with cornflakes and ranch mix (210), 1/4 of a yellow squash (45), 2 slices of tomato (11), herb and cheese bread (71), 1/2 cup tomato and mozzarella salad (48)
Total: 545

Snack: 1 1/2 cups of watermelon  (160)

That's a grand total of 1518 calories. I always figure I need to give or take about 200, but that's what I've logged for the day!

I didn't work out today because its my day off, but I'm going to hit it tomorrow and keep on trucking!

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