I often wonder with the blog that two people read, how much is over sharing. Do I tell you that one of my main complaints with working out is that the inside of my thighs chafe and feel horrible, or do I not bother because that might gross someone out?
Do I tell you that my crotch is still sore from biking this past weekend? Or that my inner thighs are super sore from Insanity yesterday and that it hurts to move and I think I waddle when I walk?
All these things might be over share but they are also true! I figure if you didnt want to read this stuff, you wouldn't bother coming back. So I'm just going to tell you about my chafing, crotch and my waddle. :)
Yesterday was really fun. We did tintypes for my photography class. If you dont know what that is, google it, because the short description I'm going to give you wont do it justice. Its an alternative photo process, we used a 4x5 (one of those old cameras that you have to put the black drape over your head to see through the camera) camera to take the pictures and we coat a 4x5 piece of metal (tin) with collodian, which makes the silver nitrate stick (thats the stuff that reacts to light and makes a picture show up), then we put it in a film holder, take it outside and set up the shot and expose it. Bring it back in, and put the chemicals on to expose the image, and then wash them off, and voila! an image will show up! Its really about the process, I dont think we are really all that creative, but its super fun to get to do such an old timie process. They used to call this the poor man's daguerreotype, which was the first type of photography.
I took this one, but the exposure and the developing were off! |
Frank, my professor took this one of all of us |
I did this one! |
Jaime took this! |
These next three are pictures of what it looked like taking the last tintype |
Jaime setting up the camera |
close up of the camera, that is Frank, our professor covered in weeds |
Sorry to inundate you with pictures of my photo class! It was just too fun not to share!
On to today, so today I had to go to my seminar class, thankfully, it was at 9 at my professor's place! It was a potluck and we all brought food. I brought fruit salad, and croissants. I had a croissant before I left. When I got there, I had some of the fruit salad and a donut (yes I know, bad rachel!). It wasnt really as good as I thought it would be, the donut not the salad. The salad was amazing. I make great fruit salad! Fresh strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and a nectarine! With a little bit of honey, lemon juice and rum. Best fruit salad ever.
After that I went home, ate lunch and then had to go back to the school, not for work, but to help take down our MFA show and patch the walls. So I did that and came back home. It didnt take nearly as long as I thought, I thought at least a couple of hours, but I was there like half an hour at the most. So I got back home and read and took a nap. I was going to wait a couple of hours for lunch to settle before I did Insanity. I dont need no throwing up because my stomach is full. Bleh!
After all that I FINALLY got around to exercising, at around 4. Today was a cardio day. I watched the workout last night hoping that it would help me today, all it did was intimidate me. This aint no joke! I knew it would be hard. I knew I would have a hard time finishing it. Basically today was broken into 2 20 minute segments, with a warmup, a stretch in the middle and a cool down. The harder stuff was at the end, which was a lot of pushups and weird running things on the ground. They were going hard in the movie, but I just had to talk myself into doing a couple at a time because 1. I wasnt used to it, and 2. I didnt want to hurt myself and 3. I was so out of breath.
I did finish it, not very strongly, but I suffered through it. I figure I didnt die, and so I will do tomorrow's workout because I said I would. Plus I'm going to take pictures of my sweat everyday to share with you.
Lovely right? More like disgusting! Not the way I look, but that I look really tired. That's because I was. I dont know how many calories I burned, but it was a good and really hard workout. My back was much more sweaty, thankfully that's hard to take a picture of. I dont look like I was sweating a lot, but I assure you, it was dripping down my face.
I have to workout this weekend! That bites, but I figure the more I exercise the fitter I get and the easier I will be able to do these things. I also need to drink more water. I know I havent been lately, and it will help with the soreness! I'm hoping tomorrow I dont wake up feeling like death from a creaking body!
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