I'm going to just start where I left off and tell you about the past three days.
Monday night went like I thought it would. I worked on and pretty much finished my paper, started on the presentation, then edited photos during The Biggest Loser and after it was over I went to the school to print the photos. Well when I got there my favorite printer was taken so I took another one, but the one I took the color was clogged in the blue ink so I had to clean it and then it ran out of ink, when I finished the colors werent quite what I wanted, but then the guy on my fave printer moved! So I switched to that and then one of the filters went out on it, so I had to replace that! *sigh* So finally I got going and printed them and worked on my presentation more and then I left and tried to go to bed.
Tuesday I was super tired, I couldnt get to sleep right away and I woke up around 2 and my stomach was in a horrible amount of pain! It was hungry so I went downstairs and got some saltine crackers and ate a few then when back to sleep. So when the alarm went off at 5:30 for me to wake up to workout I reset it for an hour later because I was still exhausted. I know I have to get sleep to lose weight but I go to bed at 10:45 and am usually asleep by 11. Thats the best I can do really, I could try to go to bed earlier, but sometimes I dont get home until 10 at night!
Anyway, so I got up at 6:30, did my normal schedule for the morning and got to work, where I put the finishing touches on my paper and presentation that I had finished Monday night. But I also had to think of a photograph to recreate because my prof wanted us to recreate a photograph from our book. I looked through the book and found one by Meatyard it wouldnt be bad to recreate, but I looked at it an where would I find masks in the middle of February? So that was just one of the extra things that I needed to do. My list was slowly mounting, finish paper, finish presentation, practice presentation, do insanity, make masks, get chalk for the numbers, buy deodorant!
So I was going to run home at lunch and scan the last pictures I needed into my computer at lunch, but one of my friends asked me if I wanted to go eat lunch with her an my professor Frank. I usually dont turn this kind of thing down because you get to know your friends and professors better, so I said yes. And we went to lunch and I got them to swing by my house so I could pick up the pictures I printed the night before, because I had thought I would be going home so I left them there.
When I got back to school someone said something to me about us having the closing reception for the gallery show that night because the opening had been snowed (see No snow Snow Day post to read more about that) out and they wanted to do something for the gallery and I work the receptions. Thats my job, I put out the food, and then clean it all up in the end. I had to stay at the school from 5-7 because I had to work there. Which was 2 hours that I NEEDED to work and do things. I did get my paper finished and I had planned to do insanity when I got home. I got one of my friends to clean up for me and I ran home because I had run out of deodorant and I needed more printer ink for my printer at home and I still needed to scan in those pictures.
I went to walmart and they were out of my deodorant AND the printer ink. I was just going to buy a new printer, but I thought that would be really wasteful so I didnt bother with it and on my way to the school to find a printer to print my presentation and paper I stopped at walgreens and got some deodorant.
So let me make this clear... this was only Tuesday!!
I got to the school and found a printer that would work and then hung around so my friend MC and I could practice going through our presentations in the class, and to see if either of them needed to be tweaked.
After that I FINALLY got home, and it was 10, there was no time to do insanity. I hadnt even had dinner, so I gobbled up some soup, let the dog run around the house (did I mention that he barfed on the pillow right next to me on the couch so I had to clean that up...?) and then we went to bed. But not before I just found the pictures I needed on the internet rather than scanning them in!
Wednesday: D-day
Day 6!
I usually get up at 5:30, but Wednesday is my day off from work, so I got up at 6:30 and even though it was my day off, I really needed to work, so I did insanity, ate breakfast and tried to read the rest of my photography chapter for the quiz we always have before history of photo (I had read a little of it Tuesday morning). I gave myself an hour to workout, an hour to read, an hour to make masks for my photograph, an hour to get ready and take a shower and eat a really early lunch, and an hour to make the tweaks I needed for the presentation because instead of having to be in class at 2 I had to go judge a art show at 11:30, then I was going to go to the school print everything off again and put my presentation on my prof's computer and be ready for class. And thankfully that's how it all went.
Right up until I had to transfer my powerpoint to my flash drive from my laptop... it stopped working. It wouldnt move, it wouldnt open and I freaked out. I ran downstairs to my professor's office and asked him to fix it. He turned off my computer, and it worked...
So we had the quiz, which I missed 2-3 questions because I was only able to read half the chapter because of time. We did presentations, and I was third, so thankfully I got to go yesterday and not on Monday which is the same day as our final. Then we did our picture recreations.

The original is top, mine is bottom, I think we did pretty good because he was going through them super fast and as soon as I got the numbers up, it started to sprinkle so we ran and got Frank (the professor) and we all sat there and I didnt have the photo with me because we were trying to get it done so fast and this is what we got, which is okay! Not bad for a recreation I would say!
Then we went out and drank margaritas. Yes thats how my day ended. Margaritas, beer, wine, darts and then I went to bed at 12.
Yeah, at this point I was pretty drunk |
So again I was so dang tired from the day before that I didnt workout, but I think at this point I need some rest or I'll kill myself. I slept till 6:45 and took a quick shower, quick breakfast, let the dog run around and took him outside, then I went to work.
I have some things I have to do this weekend, like study for my final, and get ready for my committee meeting on Monday, but then I'm good. Corey is coming this weekend! Sadly today is my long day so I wont have time to workout. And I have to do a video for monday and edit it. I'm just happy that all this mess is over with. It feels like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
You should video recreate a day! Make Corey stand in for the events/mishaps/mayhem. I bet you could do a 30 second short of all the madness you just posted with would be expressive and funny. Cap it off with the darts!
ReplyDeleteHang in there, sometimes it's busy, sometimes it's not. The important thing is to not quit.
You crack me up mom! Thanks!