Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 4 is done!!

Technically it's day 3, but I'm counting it as 4 because Wednesday was a rest day and still part of the program.

Speaking of Wednesday, my brother's birthday is this weekend, and my mom always takes us and our spouses out to dinner for our birthdays and he called and said that he was off for the night. So he wanted to do his birthday dinner on Wednesday, which was fine. I love my brother and I love my family. But when we go out to eat, we like to drink and we like to EAT! Which isn't really that great for healthy eaters, especially when he picked a german restaurant. If its not smothered in some kind of gravy, its smothered in cheese. There was no way to get out of it, so I just had to find a way to live with what I could eat.

There weren't any salads on the menu, so that option was out. The worst thing about going out to eat for people is that you don't know how they cook it, you don't know whats really in it, and you have no control over the portion size. So I normally I would have gotten the Brau Haus Platter which includes half a bratwurst, half a knackwurst, pork tenderloin smothered in gravy with kraut and german potatoes. Yes, that is way way too much. I didn't even count up the calories, honestly I didn't want to know. I would have gone for chicken, but they put cheese on it. I love cheese and I eat cheese every day, more than once during the day even, but I keep a close eye on how much I eat. Never more than an ounce at a time. So that was out too.

Eventually I went with the Grilled Bratwurst meal. There is one bratwurst, potatoes and kraut. More potatoes than I could eat. So I only ate half, and the wurst wasn't huge or anything. And I had half a beer. I was going to finish it, but to be honest I was just full, so I gave my beer to my brother. And the meal wasn't horribly bad for me, nor was it crazy in calories. I was very happy with myself. For the first time in a long time I didn't leave a restaurant feeling like I just wanted to cover up my belly because it was so full, or have someone roll me out.  Overall it was disaster averted and a very nice meal with my family. Will I go out to eat again soon? No probably not.

I think my next big thing to over come is going to the movies. I LOVE pop corn with butter and now they offer those awesome popcorn flavors. The white cheddar is our favorite. But really its just popcorn salt, and I always eat way to much. So do I stay away from the movies? Or just not give into the popcorn. Plus we usually get a coke zero, but I'm not having sweets, and that is sweet. So no coke for me!

I haven't been able to sleep at all lately. Which is horrible when you have to get up early to work out. And so I've had the hardest time going to sleep. I'll be super tired when I get to bed, I'll turn out the lights and I'm wide awake. Not cool. The past two nights I've gotten a total of about 9 hours of sleep, which is crazy because usually for two nights is at least 14 hours.

Now, I have been wanting to do this every since I started keeping track of my meals, I want to do a food diary for a day or two just to see how much I'm really eating. Its one thing to measure it out, and then just consume it, but its another to visually see what I'm eating and how much. So I think tomorrow and saturday and sunday I'm going to do a food diary, which I think will help keep me honest on the weekends. Plus I have workouts on Saturday and Sunday, so I will have to be good anyway. Usually I wouldn't work out on either day, but with my new workout system, its part of the plan. PLUS I'm totally looking forward to Sunday which is a 40 minute stretching class. My muscles are so tight that even with the 10 minute stretch class, I'm super tight.

Tomorrow pictures of my food!

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