Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I Make My Own Sunshine

After feeling so down and feeling sorry for myself for the past week or so, I decided to just get over it. No one can make me feel better than me, and no one is going to lose the weight for me. It's my body and it's my time! I have to do the best I can every day.

I was watching TV the past few days and I kept finding myself humming a song and didn't realize where it came from. It's actually called "I Make My Own Sunshine" by Alyssa Bonagura and it was on a Lowe's commercial. Sometimes music just fits into your life, and I really feel like this song has given me motivation to keep going.

You can listen to the song here on youtube:

"It don't matter if its raining, nothing can phase me, I make my own sunshine. And if you think you can break me, baby you're crazy, I make my own sunshine!...

Even if a cloud start's forming on my lovely day theres nothing, no nothing, that can stand in my way!"

How awesome are those lyrics? There are more than just that, but I love it. And the song is so catchy!

So I'm back on track no matter what other birthday parties I go to this month (because Corey's is a few days away, and we are celebrating a ton at the end of the month) I have to stay on track. Because nothing, not even the chance to be bad is going to stand in my way.

Some random thoughts for today:

I don't think that I should get cheat meals during the weekend. It's nice, but I feel like I spend my whole weekend trying to recover from the crappy food I am eating. I hate feeling like I'm trying to lose everything I lost during the week!

I'm obsessed with other people's success stories. I will go and read them just about everywhere. I find them on Pinterest when I search for healthy recipes, or in blogs or on weight loss websites. It helps me keep going.

My mom wanted to start doing Turbo Fire with me! Its fun to have a workout partner again! So I did the first day with her, and she made it through. It was yesterday when I was feeling so down, she talked me into doing the workout with her, and we both made it through! I am super proud of her for trying something that is so demanding! She says that she has lost weight just eating healthy like I have been doing, which is awesome. Turbo Fire totally gets you moving.

I got my Tropical Strawberry Shakeology in the mail yesterday... and I am so so sooooo glad to have it back. I missed it oodles. I will have to be better about using too much this next month. It is totally worth the money, and it is about the same cost as having a starbucks coffee everyday. Not that I was doing that before, but I defiantly was buying unhealthy food that would have added up to a bag of shakeology. I don't know if I could have started shakeology if they hadn't come up with the strawberry.

I told you that I got my heart rate monitor, well it wouldn't stay connected to my heart rate... so I am returning it. It makes me sad. But I want to something that is going to work. I know my heart didn't stop beating, so it had to be the chest strap or the watch. Instead I'm getting a Bodybugg. I am super excited about it! Happy Birthday to me!

I hope that whoever you are, if you are feeling unmotivated or uninspired or down, blue, sad, depressed or whatever that you will take heart and just find something that works for you. Losing the weight is worth every minute of pain, of sweat of denying yourself the things you like, of changing your life for the better. Because you only get one life to be healthy and so we all have to grab it by the horns and live it. No one can do it for you.

I saw a fellow in the grocery store tonight who was very overweight and was unable to walk, so he was in one of those electric carts. I just wanted to tell him that he didn't have to be in that cart, that if I could lose weight, he could too! I didn't, because its not my place. But, maybe instead of photography when I lose all of this weight, I will be a personal trainer, I think I want to help other people feel good about themselves. I feel so inspired to share what I am doing and how I've done it. Everyone deserves to be healthy!

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