Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Day 5- Loads of Videos

I'm so damn sore today. Sooooooore. My plan was to run… but that didn't really happen because my unnamed friend (Marguerite) wanted to do a different workout and she doesn't like to run… so I sorta ran. We ended up over at the track because I forgot my id to get into the gym, plus she told me that it was full of "new years resolutioners." Which is has been. But it was just verging on being too cold to run comfortably outside. What we ended up doing was 4 sets of 10 lunges per leg, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 sit-ups and 10 jumping jacks followed with a walk around the track which is a quarter of a mile. It took about 40-50 minutes and after doing the toning DVD yesterday my arms feel like noodles!

I'm happy that today is day 5, I realize that its only been 5 days but I feel so much better about everything. Its amazing how just a teeny part of your day working out can make you feel so much better about everything.

While Marguerite and I were walking around the track we were talking about some of the goals that we had made for ourselves for the new year, and while I didn't really sit down and write out my resolutions they were just sort of simmering at the back of my mind. I want to start something and finish it. I always start these workout programs and never finish them so maybe thats why I'm so happy about the giveit100 thing. I just want to start something and finish it, see it to the end. I almost always start a new project whether its art or myself and I never follow through because my enthusiasm fails. This blog is a perfect example of that!

My other goal for the year is to try to keep my house clean and keep up with the dishes and vacuuming and over all cleanliness. Its not like the place is trashed or anything, just that when I get busy things fall through the cracks and usually thats the first thing to go. So far it means doing dishes at night and vacuuming every day, but I know that having a clean house means that I'm not in a place that stresses me out so going home to someplace that is nice means that I'm going to just feel better.

The other resolution is to just better myself physically and emotionally and to just get to a place in my life where I'm generally happy. For the most part I'm a positive person. But I just need to learn to love myself better and to feel happier in my own skin.

That's it for now, and you can see the videos that I've been doing too!

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 3-4

So I didn't post this weekend, but I did workout. I have to say after 4 days of this I'm sore. Today is a run day and I'm looking forward to it. I'll head over to the gym after class tonight. On day 3 I did a Turbo Fire HITT workout for 20 minutes and yesterday (Day 4) I did a sculpting class and my legs and arms are killing me today! I've been tracking my food too! AND I lost two pounds last week! Huzzah! But I figured that would happen. I'm back to using My Fitness Pal because I'm broke and can't afford Weight Watchers. But its all good, as long as I'm holding myself accountable thats all that matters to me.

I've been thinking about something and it occurred to me today as I was washing my face and getting ready for class. I'm doing a series of photographs about beauty and how women use beauty products to feel better about themselves and I am showing the aftermath or the not so pretty side of beauty and what it takes to get there.

One of my friends (who shall remain nameless) got on to me for using hand lotion on my face… yeah I had no idea I should be using facial moisturizer. Who knew? I mean I didn't think it would make much of a difference. Well after talking to several of my friends and trying a few things out I got some Clinique and its amazing. It makes my skin feel and look great. I tried some stuff but it made my face hurt so I got their three step program because my face is SUPER dry and now its not at all!

All this comes to what I was thinking about this morning. When I started losing weight in the summer I started going shopping with my friend (the nameless one who has incredible taste in clothes and makeup) and getting cheap clothes that looked great on me and I started to dress better. I realized this morning that it doesn't matter if you lose 40 pound for 400, if you don't love yourself just the way you are, that you'll be unhappy no matter what your size is. Maybe thats not a revelation to you, and in the back of my mind I've always known it. When you don't feel pretty you don't want to look nice, which I think is why I've always hid in jeans and tshirts. I don't like the way I look and I don't feel like I deserve to look nice. Not that I've ever just flat out told myself this, but when I think of the name if this blog "How To Love My Body" I realize that this isn't just about losing weight. It really is about coming to terms with who I am no matter what size I am. And learning to be happy with that is what's important.

Because I do deserve to feel beautiful, I deserve to have a soft face, nice clothes, pretty makeup and to leave the house looking great- no matter what my size is. If you don't feel like you are worth it, and you don't love yourself for who you are right now, its never going to matter how much weight you lose. I can name 10 things I hate about my body right off the top of my head at any time of the day. Could I name 10 things I like about myself? I don't know…just something to think about as you go through your day.

I'll post my two videos later because I have to get to class!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 2

I have my new video today. I just wanted to say that I'm writing these blogs a day before and then they go live the next day, so when you read this, I'll be on my third day. So today I REALLY didn't want to get up to go to the gym, so I didn't. I slept, which I think my body needed and I went later in the day. 

Its so weird to me when I really think about it, because for years I hated the idea of going to the gym. Hated it. I would rather work out at home over and over again, but now I would rather go to the gym and just get it done with. Come home and just go on with my day/night. Maybe it doesn't make sense but I just would rather do that. I thought about making out a workout schedule to do every day, but by now I know what I like doing, not that I'm not open to trying new things. I just know I like to get on the treadmill and walk/run. To me thats a fun workout. I don't have to think about anything. I also like Zumba and doing the reclining stationary bike. I enjoy doing the Turbo Fire stuff, especially for yoga and getting a good core and arm workout. So I'm sure I'll be doing all of those too. 

Today we had the third year grad students review of their work (i'm in my second year now) and it went well I think. But my friends wanted to go to eat lunch at Sundown afterwards. I knew I could get a salad, but I just got some nachos instead. They aren't bad except for being covered with cheese. They are chicken! So I decided to just have a green smoothie for dinner instead of something big to hopefully even it out lunch and dinner.

Here I said I wouldn't be writing a lot and I am. I guess old habits die hard! Last thing I want to say is that some of my friends are going vegan. Now, I know you are shaking your head, especially if you have read some of my past posts about my attempts at vegetarianism- and how that was a utter failure. In general I like the idea of not eating meat. I think if I REALLY REALLY applied myself and tried hard I could do the vegan thing. Maybe vegetarianism is harder because you are still tempted by dairy? I don't know. Before I dive into this I'm going to do some more research and try to plan more vegan meals during the week, that way if I do decide to do it, I can just slowly make my way into it rather than just jumping in full blast. I would like to experiment with foods and such and then try it for about 6 months to see if I feel different. 

Anyhow! Here is my video blog for today! 

Friday, January 10, 2014


Today starts my journey of 100 days of workouts. I'm not the only one giving 100 days to something. So you should check out giveit100.com and see if this is something YOU would like to do. Its a challenge and I love a good challenge!

The give it 100 website is only 10 seconds of this video, but I challenge every person that reads to jump in. Even if its not working out! It could be making healthy meals or going to bed at 10! Who knows! You can check out my page on giveit100.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Biggest Loser Ever!

Guity. I'm the biggest loser, not for having lost weight, but for not coming back here. So I'm going to start doing this video blogs. Words are much more concise but this is something that I want to do, so I'm sharing it here… 100 days 100 workouts. I can do this ;)