Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Bad Bad Bad

So I have been a very naughty blogger. I ended up losing 6 pounds which I think most of it was water weight. THEN my husband came down to Louisiana this past weekend and we went Christmas shopping and decorated our tree. I had a gift certificate to Olive Garden, so we ate there. While I didnt pick something very healthy, I mean come on how healthy can you get at Olive Garden?, I wasnt able to finish it all.

I did have a weird stomach bug before Corey came up though. It was like when food touched my stomach I was in agony, not to mention having to run to the bathroom because my stomach was going to explode and all I was able to eat was saltine crackers ginger ale. Well, that doesnt exactly help with eating healthy. The problem was that I was hungry and if I didnt eat, the pain got worse.

Then after we realized that we couldnt find the Christmas ornaments at the new house, I thought they might have gotten left in Benton, so I went there on Saturday, and continued to eat badly. Didnt find the ornaments though.

Yeah thats it! It looks amazing huh? and I even took that picture!

I came home on Sunday and had to make a cake for a photography project yesterday, this time I did have a piece, and it is delicious. I'm taking it up to the school today so I'm not tempted to eat more of it.

I did step on the scale today and I gained every pound back! I should have just left it alone, but it is a wake up call not to do that again. No more being awful like I was this weekend. I did workout on Saturday before I left, but I havent since then, so as soon as my breakfast settles I'm going to hop to it. I really like the Turbo Fire, but I'm having a hard time committing to 6 days a week. Its just a ton of working out. I dont want to quit it, but I kinda wonder if I could get away with 3-4 days a week.

When I went to Benton, I got to visit with my brother and he said that maybe part of my problem is with gluten, especially with the new stomach bug I had. At one point before I knew I was really sick I had a whole wheat english muffin and my stomach went crazy, just exploded in pain. Apparently one of his friends is like me, she has to work super hard to lose weight (why it just falls off some people I will never know) and said when she eliminated gluten she began to REALLY lose weight.

I have toyed with the idea of not eating gluten, but I really LOVE it. Who doesnt love wheat and crackers and bread? And unlike in Benton, where I'm 20 minutes away from a Whole Foods, in Ruston, there is no such thing. Who ever thought that they would say Arkansas is better because it has better shopping places? So I just dont know if I can give it up. I mean I dont have celiac disease so I dont NEED to stop eating gluten and I dont even know that I have an intolerance for it. I think I would probably know.

I do have to admit that I think that I might have to give up on the Shakeology. It just doesnt sit right with my stomach. I know they say its really good for you, but I dont know. Right when I got sick, it was another food that I ate that really hurt my stomach and I kinda wonder if it was part of the problem. The last time I was eating it, I felt sorta like this.

Last but not least Corey finally talked me into getting back to playing World of Warcraft. He is obsessed with this game and while I dont really like it very much, he has been on me every time we see each other to play. So he finally wore me down enough for me to say yes. We bought the game, a game card for a 2 month subscription and a new mouse all so I could play. I am only allowing myself to play when I have done all my work at the end of the day. I mean usually I would watch some netflix, so I guess this isnt any different. Its fun right now, but we'll see if it stays that way. Usually I get bored with it and stop playing.

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