Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Today I REALLY REALLY didnt want to exercise today. But I did it anyway. 

I dont know whats wrong with me. Yesterday I wrote about what happens when I miss a meal, but I'm just constantly hungry. Its so frustrating to eat healthy and then get a stomach ache because I guess I'm still hungry. It just sours my stomach. I just had my treat for the day (a beer and some popcorn) and I dont feel as hungy, which is good, but I know its going to come back. The frustrating thing is that as soon as I got up I was starving. I thought that it might be dehydration, but I have been drinking water all day, so much so that I've been peeing way too much today, but if it was then I would feel full. Not really sure what to do about it except for stick this out.

I am not sure if I wrote about it, but when I went to SPE (The Society for Photographic Education) conference I wasnt able to eat very often and I know I didnt drink enough water and this feeling got really bad, and every time I get hungry this feeling comes back, not like it was then, but bad.
Yummy Shakeology!

Maybe I just need to change what I'm eating. More protein? I try to eat two meals with meat. Huh... something to think about. I ran out of turkey burgers today, next time I'm doing more than 3 oz for each burger though.

Today I ordered some cheapie strobe lights for my photography. I cant wait for them to get here! All I need now is my light meter that I'm getting for Christmas! I think I'm just going to check one out from the school until I get mine.

That piece of pie is my temptation

So my post today is about that piece of pie. I made the rest of the pie and took pictures this morning, but I wanted to take a slice out of it for the picture. So I set it aside for another picture I'm going to take. But it is haunting me. But I can do this. I'm not going to eat it. 

I am hoping to get to bed early tonight because I'm trying to get up earlier so I can get things done. Last quarter I had two days off a week with no class and I always did my work then, but now, I dont have those days, so I have to fit it into the day somehow. I dont like to do it when I get home because its my free time. I get to watch tv and have my dinner and then my treat for the day.

I know I havent even been back on this for a whole week yet, I'm just tired. This is such an uphill war. I really doing feel like I should have to have a battle every day of my life. 

Here is the food journal for today, I guess it would be easier to type this out, but its really easier to take a picture. I did put my food in a calorie counter today and I only went 200 over. 

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