Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Okay I realize that it's Wednesday and I'm just now getting around to posting. Bad bad Rachel.

I really have been eat, breathing and sleeping my project for my conceptual design class. But sadly tomorrow I'm going to have to go back to reality (which really I did today because I had to work) and go back to class, I didnt have to go Tuesday because it was a work day. The good news? I'm almost done sewing this thing together, which means I'll no longer be stabbed, jabbed, scraped or otherwise mutilated by pins. My house is a wreck of bits of blue jean material everywhere. My dining room has been turned into a sewing room, and the floor of my bedroom upstairs has been turned into a table, because it has the most floor space for me to lay the thing out, but the quilt (made of blue jeans if you didnt catch that) is awesome!

Axel helping the quilt

Yesterday I was feeling like complete and utter poo. Literally because I was sick. Not to mention that I have a bum tooth in my mouth that has kept me up at night aching.  I worked yesterday because I absolutely had to, but last night, I didn't go to the opening reception for our gallery because my face was swollen and I honestly didnt think I needed to be touching food people wanted to eat after having been on the toilet all day. TMI? I dont really care! Ha go read someone else's blog if you dont want to know about my stomach ache!

So I havent felt like doing much at all this week. I cant say I've been eating well, yesterday I ate saltine crackers, but the day before I didnt eat well at all. All I can say is that fast food just isnt good for me and its never as good as I think it will be, with the exception of starbuck's breakfast sandwiches. They are always amazing.

I guess sometimes we all need a few days off. I really think I just need to find a more manageable workout routine. I realize that I cant do Zumba every night of the week. That's my problem I throw myself into something and then am not able to manage it, or I get bored. So I was thinking maybe I need to do Zumba two nights out of the week and then on Friday's and Satruday I should do one of my workout DVDs. I just cant workout 5 times a week. Lately, I've been having a problem with staying up too late. I am in bed by 10:30 but dont go to sleep until 11:30 or 12 because I cant stop reading. Then I want to get up early to workout around 5:30, but I just cant manage to function on 5 hours of sleep. *sigh* this is only the third week of school, so I need to get a handle on my schedule.

I havent lost any weight. I went home this weekend and while I wasnt a horrible eater I sure didnt eat all that well. So that coupled with the no working out and everything I'm just happy I havent gained weight. But the rest of the day is still ahead and I plan on going to Zumba tonight, and getting a healthy meal cooked. I also need to eat every one of my calories. When I made the cabbage casserole I would feel full, but not have eaten many calories, so I need to make sure to eat them all. Because then I feel like I'm starving.

So sorry for the lack of communication the past few days. I will be sure to update again this week, and hopefully over the weekend. I hope that everyone is doing much better than I have lately in regards to eating right and exercising!

He likes to sleep in the crook of my legs
Here is an adorable puppy pic to make up for no posts!

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