Friday, March 15, 2013

Weekend Time!

I'm very glad that it is Friday. Yesterday I woke up and didnt realize that it was Thursday! So today is a rest day because I'm so dang tired! I have done Zumba all week, and then last night at work my photo prof Frank had us clean out a room because we are getting a new exposure unit (yay!) and so we hauled everything out, then put it back in! I felt really bad because there is a Zumba class on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 which means I have just enough time to change out of my sweaty clothes and head up to the school to work. I hadnt had a shower, and even though I did refresh my deodorant, I was probably smelly. Oh well! I did try, who knew I was going to be moving stuff! It was fun though, and made the hours pass by quickly, which is always a good thing.

I weighed on Wednesday/Thursday (dont remember what day it was...) and I am right at 252! So even though I havent been eating great before this week, I am back down to the "I've lost 20 pounds" place. Which is a nice place to be, and if the scale is any indicator I've now lost 1 more pound! Huzzah! I will try to be extra good over the weekend, but we'll see how it goes.

Today after I get off work, I'm going to Benton, then to Jonesboro. I'm excited about Tau Beta Sigma's Third Degree. Its been more than 5 years since I went to one. Being an alum is good, but it makes me feel really old. So as soon as I get home I'm going to pee, throw the dog in the kennel (gently) throw all my bags in the car and my dress clothes and get moving. I'm also probably going to stop at subway for lunch.

When I get to Benton Corey is going to drive, which is good because that means that I can cut down blue jeans on the drive up there. That's my plan to maximize the work I need to do, because otherwise I'll lose half a day of working on my new project. Not sure if I talked about this before, but I'm making a quilt for my new photo project and I have less than a week and a half to do it. So I have to get going like yesterday. Its a BIG review that the grad students have to do, we have a faculty or 18 hour review (18 hours because by this point we should have 18 hours worth of credit) it makes me really nervous. But I do have some things to show, and I'm hoping to be able to make a few more pictures next week (when? not really sure) and also make a few edits on the video. But we'll see how much I'll actually be able to do.

I'm sitting here at work, I thought that I wouldnt be done with everything I needed to do until I got off, but I finished early, and so now I'm twiddling my thumbs and I feel like every moment I'm not working on something for this review is wasted. If I didnt have to answer the phone I would put my head down on the desk and take a nap. I'm so exhausted.

I'm off for now, just wanted to get in an update before the weekend started. I hope you all have a great weekend, and its nice and relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! This is doable - you're keeping up, and doing great. Don't lose faith in yourself.
