Thursday, March 28, 2013


Time is one of those things that we never seem to have enough of. And the past two weeks have been entirely too stressful for words. I know it seems like I'm griping all the time, and if you think that, then I apologize. I dont mean to, its just incredibly hard to juggle everything that happens in life with trying to lose weight. Honestly I have to give props to all those women and men who do lose a ton of weight, especially in college. There is nothing worse for weight loss than stress, lack of free time, and stress. Stress means you dont get to sleep much, you hold on to weight, you eat for comfort. Which is all counterproductive to losing weight.

I can go into why I havent been blogging OR on myfitnesspal in one paragraph...

On Tuesday I had a faculty graduate review. This is a part of the year that all art grads go though where they put up all the work worth showing and stand in front of all the faculty in the art program and the other grad students and have their work critiqued. Its stressful. There are a lot of things that lead up to it, like having an artist statement that is worth showing to the faculty, having your work prepared, being able to talk about it, finding time to put it up on the wall. Mine was on Tuesday night. On top of all of this, I had another critique, and a test. Which may not seem like much, but it is. I couldnt sleep Monday night because I was worrying about it and couldnt get my brain to turn off. So I was sleep deprived on top of everything.

Needless to say, I didnt eat healthy. I didnt eat horribly, but its nothing to brag about. I havent worked out in a week and a half, and I'm more than ready to.

The sad thing is that I dont really feel relieved that its over, more... just happy that its done, but I know I have a ton more things to do that are going to take this events place. So here is to a better week next week. I gained two pounds in the past two weeks, but I'm also on my period. So I dont really know where I am weight wise. I know I feel gross. I am going home this weekend, and I think I might make my mom come and work out with me! Even if all we do is just walk.

My first week of challenge was kind of a bust, but I can try again next week.

Also, my sink backed up again today. Talk about disgusting. The plumber hasnt gotten out here yet, I'm just ready to get this shit (literally *gag*) cleaned up. Cant wait to mop... I'm lucky I dont have to work tonight because the school is closing Friday and Monday for the Easter holidays.

I know this isnt a long post, but I just wanted to let the world (mainly the bots that come a troll my blog) where I have been this past week.

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