Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend of Woe

My weekend sorta sucked.

This weekend I was going to go home to see my mom's play, but my friends wanted to have a cookout and I wanted to go so I delayed a day and was going to go home on Saturday.

Well, that didnt really happen. I was getting ready to go, took a shower, was packed, about to lug everything out to my car when I was getting something out of the kitchen and noticed that there was water coming out from under the washing machine. I grabbed a towel, cleaned it up and threw it in the machine and was about to go when I noticed that my sink was filled with water. So I grabbed the plunger, called my mom and started to try to get it out of the sink.

When nothing worked, and I hadnt heard from my mom yet, I started to bail out the sink with a kitty litter bucket (which is useful for so many things!) and a sonic cup. I was on the second sink when mom called. I told her what I was dealing with and that I wasnt sure if I would make it up. She told me to call the landlord so I could get a plumber out there. My house was a wreck, because I havent been there to clean it up. Not nasty just messy. So I was hurriedly trying to get the house at least where you werent tripping over things to get around the place.

My "I-hate-plumbing-and-I-feel-disgusting" face

Before he got there I tried to unblock the clog with baking soda and vinegar, so I had to unhook the washing machine and water started pouring out. I had every towel in the house on the floor, and finally I put a bowl under it to get any excess water that was coming out. So I plug up that hose, and start trying to unclog the drain. While I was waiting the plumber came and got up on the roof and did a motor snake thing that unclogged it. Oh and Axel managed to get out while the plumber was there (kennel escape!) and managed to get so excited he peed everywhere!

After all that I decided to go to walmart and get some mesh things to catch any food that might go down the drain (no garbage disposal). I also got more stuff for the lentil chili, and a new filter for my water filter on the sink.

I came home cleaned and mopped the kitchen, I had to move the fridge because the water had run under it (ick!). I decided that while I was already feeling disgusting that I would clean out the tuppaware containers in the fridge. I get them all out and I'm in the "woods" by my house dumping them when I'm holding a big container of bean soup that I hadnt been able to finish when it fell out of my hands, hit the ground, and splashed all over the front of my body. I didnt want to go back in the house covered in moldy bean soup so I looked around, took all my clothes off, and ran for the front door. I dont think anyone saw me. Or at least I hope not!

I did make the lentil soup, which was okay. I think it tastes sweet, but its what I have for food this week, so I'm going to eat it. I think I like black lentils best.

Sunday was much less eventful. I tried to sleep in, but was awake so I just got up. My stomach hurt all day yesterday! Getting tired of this. I did laundry, cleaned up more rooms, planned meals for the week, and worked on school work.

Today I was going to get up at 5:30 to workout but I couldnt fall asleep last night. I took a shower before I went to bed, and just laid there. So I set the alarm for 6:30 and finally fell asleep at 1 I think. I'm going to the Zumba class tonight so it wouldnt have been necessary for me to workout, I just wanted to. Because I'm under such a time crunch this week, I had to plan my days out. So everything is planned for. I just have to stick with it!

My crazy ass dog! I swear he has a head!


  1. I know it was a hell weekend (well part of it anyway) but I almost spit water on the screen from laughing while I read the part about running for the door.

    Hope your Monday went better.

  2. Yeah... And I thought having sewage on the floor was bad!! The worst part really was when I had to take my clothes off and run to the house. Gah!

  3. It’s always disappointing when a problem occurs at the last minute and the time you least expect it. Good thing your plumber came in and fixed it right away. So it's safe to say that everything still ended well, after all. :)

    Wilson Horton @ Capital Care Plumbing
