Friday, April 12, 2013

Frozen treats!

 Okay you are going to laugh, after bitching about my stomach hurting for the past few months I finally broke down and went to the doctor. Yes you read that right, I went to the doctor. He thinks the problem is an ulcer. Surprise surprise! I have to say that I like this guy, he is a cool doctor. My other doctor in Benton always seems so distracted, like she cant wait to move on to the next patient. No bedside manner. This guy was good, he asked my about what might be stressing me out, and we talked about it, he seemed genuinely concerned that I had so many things to be stressed out about. And he gave me medicine for my stomach. He said that if its not better by Monday, that I will have to come back in to have blood drawn to see if the stomach acid is messing with my body.

I had this brilliant idea today, because I have just flat out decided that I cant keep anything sweet in the house without inhaling it. Sweets and any type of Doritos or chips. I ALWAYS find myself binging on them, even if I put them out of site. So back to my brilliant idea- which was to make a healthy treat- popsicles! Homemade ones! I bought three pounds of Louisiana strawberries from the grocery store today (and let me tell you the difference in the taste with these and the ones from Mexico is HUGE!) and I found some popsicle holder things at Walmart and proceeded to make some! I checked on them after a couple of hours, which means I fished one up out of the container- but it wasnt ready (big surprise there!) so I just ate it with the butter knife I used to get it out. It was good! I made some with greek yogurt for more of a creamy one and another kind with just juice, which was the kind I checked on, I think that they will be more icy than anything. When I get one out that doesnt look like mush, I'll add a picture to this post!

I'm so glad yesterday was a rest day because I was terribly sore! I was sore all day, and still a little today. But I did eventually get around to working out this afternoon. And I have to say that I felt awesome. It's been a long time since I have felt so energetic after working out. I just want to go and do it again! I was even bouncing around and stuff before I started scaring the dog! I dont know if its getting more sleep, or exercising or eating healthy, but something in this mix is making me feel physically better. Speaking of that- I am so glad I started to workout again this week. I think another few days and my back would have been bad again. But so far, it seems fine!

My new favorite healthy dinner
Salmon, sweet potato and veggies

I've been working on my newest project for class lately, which involves image transfers, and it uses an all natural household cleaner with toner printed pictures. I havent done anything with color yet, but I've done black and white, and the image does better when it has a lot of contrast, and its not just a bunch of one thing, like chips, or fries.

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