Sunday, January 29, 2012

I feel like a slacker for not having posted since Tasty Tuesday!!

I so didn't want to exercise today. I have been just laying around all day, but 20 minutes of Zumba is always fun and so I did it anyway. I worked up a sweat and was totally out of breath, but I did it! AND the program let me bump up to 20 minute intermediate instead of beginner!! That's totally exciting!

So a while back I mentioned a post I read on another blog about determination. And the blogger posted about the difference between determination and motivation. I've always worked under the motivation concept. I'm motivated to fit in a wedding dress for example, so I loose weight. I'm motivated to be skinny. Today during my lazy Sunday I was watching netflix and came across this tv show named Ruby, about this woman who was 500 pounds and was told that if she didn't lose the weight, she would die.

What an awful thought. To think that you could die because of the weight that is on your body. And so this tv show showed my that I have to be damned determined to lose this weight! I can't let that happen to me, I can't continue to be this size. I have a whole life to live, and so many things that I want to do, and I can't because I'm overweight. No I'm not her size, but yes, I have a long way to go. She kept talking about how all she could see in the mirror wasn't what she has already lost, but what she still had to lose. Well I'm going to remember how much I have lost and always keep that in mind.

Another thing that I think is wonderful about this show is that Ruby is beautiful on the inside and the out. It's so important to remember that you can have an amazing body, but you can be a total bitch.

I'm going to watch some more of the show, and tomorrow I'm going to weigh in. Friday I had lost 2 more pounds, and I weighed myself to give me motivation to stay good during the weekend. ALSO, I started writing down everything I've been eating. Hope that this helps. I think it will. I need all the accountability I can have!

See ya tomorrow for weigh in!

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