Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekends Hurt

I meant to post before today, but you know weekends are hard to find time to post. Why is it harder to find time when I have more of it?

So today I would like to tell you about my Weekend Problems, yes it deserves to be capitalized like that. 

I have always had the problem of sticking to my gumption during weekends, because I'm home all day and I have the chance to eat anything I want. The thing that sabotages me the most is all this food at my house. On weekdays I plan everything that passes my lips. I bring enough food to work to last me through my meals. But on the weekends I have the hardest time.

Maybe I need to start planning meals on the weekends too. My biggest weakness is going to the movies and wanting popcorn. Gad, I love popcorn. I love it with those flavors that you can find at some movie theaters. I especially love it with butter, but I've been saying no to that for a while now. 

And you would think that I have two perfect days to workout that I would utilize them, well I don't. I used to love to sleep in, but one of the side effects of getting up at 6 am on weekdays is that I can't sleep in. New sleeping in = 8:45. Old sleeping in = 12:00. Oh well, thats probably a good thing anyway.

While I may not have planned and eaten the meals I wanted to this weekend I did work out. I did Zumba! Which is really fun if you enjoy dancing, which I do! I took a pic of myself afterwards, your just going to have a headshot because I don't have a full length mirror, which is probably something I need to get so I can take better pictures of my body as I go. 

I also didn't post this weekend because I've been playing with my new iPhone 4s! So exciting to finally have one of these things. 

Yesterday my brother's came over and we cleaned the rest of my pottery studio. SOOOO excited to finally have that done. I'm going to go out there right now so I can take a picture to post here. I wish I had a before and after pic of this place, which is the shed in our backyard. But honestly, you don't want to see what it looked like. And we spent HOURS cleaning and chunking all of the shit in it. 

Before my parents divorced my dad tried to do himself in, with a tiller and the shed and some carbon monoxide poisoning. It didn't work, he chickened out before it did him in, but when he left my mom didn't want to touch the place because it had all of his stuff in it. 

When I wanted to start throwing pots, we needed a place to do it, and the most likely was the shed, so we cleaned out 13 years of dirt, dust, small animal poop and all kinds of crazy shit. And now I have my studio. I still need a wedging table, but that's another project for another weekend. 

This is from my iPhone! I love all my photo apps! This is a pic of my wheel. Its not on the bricks yet because we had to move it so that we could clean the other side of the room.

Same picture no app though and you can see more of the room. Those boxes on the right are all of my clay. Last weekend we went and bought 500 pounds. You would think that it's a lot, but its not that much. 

This is the back wall with some of my pottery and shelving. 

Needless to say I'm super excited about this! The funny thing is that it's colder in the room for some reason. It's 52 outside and like 42 inside. Weird. Turned the heater on so I can go work later. 

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm gonna take a pic of myself. So I can show some progress as the weeks go by! I'm hoping for another 3 pounds! 

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