Monday, January 16, 2012

I've tried to do this...

I've tried to do this before. I've tried blogs to chronicle my weight loss. And just like all the blogs the weight loss eventually grinds to a halt. I get where I want to be for a little or I just cant keep up with the blog or the weight loss.

I debated not doing this online, I wasnt going to do it here, just keep a journal of what I was doing on my own. But I thought about all the blogs that I read about women who do lose the weight and the blogs that have helped me and inspired me and I thought that maybe I could help someone while helping myself. 

I've tried to lose the weight before. Before I got married I lost about 50ish pounds and I looked amazing in my wedding dress! But after I got married I lost my momentum and my goal, I didnt have a dress to fit into anymore and it was so easy to eat out while on campus at school. 

I've since graduated (YAY!) and gained all the weight back (NOT YAY). This wasnt part of a New Year's resolution or anything. I'm just absolutely sick being fat. I'm sick of not being able to button my jeans or always worrying about not having anything to wear. 

When I started this last week I weighed 279 pounds. That totally sucks. At most I've weighed 285, thank God I haven't gained back to 285... that would be totally depressing. And so I weighed in today and I was at 276!! 3 pounds is awesome! And an extra pound my goal for the week was 2. So that's freakin' awesome! 

I think something that has really helped me this week wasn't necessarily working out, I'm still trying to fit that into my schedual. I just started a new job, my first post graduation, and the best thing about it is that I eat little meals though the day. My lunch break is the same time every day and I'm able to drink as much water I want, and not have to worry about having to pee in the middle of a 3 hour class. 

But more about my goals and what I want to lose (weight duh...). The high point of my height bracket for weight is 160, the low is 120 and mid is 140. I want to weigh 125. The last time I weighed 125 was when I blew past it years ago, I've never weighed this is my adult life. So for the people who dont care to do the math that's 154 pounds. That's a lot to lose. But I'm going to do it. 

Beyond being smaller, I just want to be healthy. My husband and I want to have babies, and the best thing I can do for my future baby is to be at a healthy weight. I want to give my baby the best possible start I can, and I dont want a lot of complications because I'm overweight. 

I'm so proud of myself for my first week of weight loss! I couldn't be more happy. My main goal this week is to work out 3 times. And I'm going to leave you with a picture that is totally depressing to me, but I thought I would share it because it just breaks my heart. This is a picture of me and my aunt and my little cousin. 

It breaks my heart because he is so adorable. I'll never get this moment back and I'll always be fat in it. His adorable helmet will always have me in the background looking huge. If this isnt a reason to lose weight I dont know what is. I never want to feel so embarrassed that I have to untag myself in pictures on Facebook. I hate it. I'm ready for a new and healthy me. 

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