Monday, June 11, 2012

Good Night Ladies!

I'm not saying goodbye! Just good night! I just wanted to tell you all that after almost two weeks of feeling sorry for myself and feeling totally unmotivated and even less determined, I'm back in charge!

Do you see how horrible this is? That every day this is a challenge to people who have to lose weight. Every day you're faced with the challenge of giving in to cravings, to not wanting to work out. For me it's like there is an evil little voice in my head that sabotages me by telling me that I want to eat a whole bag of potato chips, or that I want to binge on a box of cookies until I feel disgusted and disgusting. Some days its worse that others, and sometimes there aren't any cravings, and I'm super excited to work out.

Yes, I've not been the best of weight losers lately, but crazily I haven't gained weight. Weird, I know. Who knows why. I'm so close to losing 30 pounds I can taste it! And I've been doing turbo fire for almost 3 months.

I'm starting to realize that some of the things I'm struggling with aren't just going to go away. Like my cravings for sweets (I wish I could just stop eating sugar for my whole life), my desire to binge. It really really helps that there isn't anything in the house to binge on. Eating all the cherries in the bag, or all the blueberries that are left isn't nearly as satisfying as busting into a bag of chips or eating a half a pie. This is probably something that I'm going to struggle with. And I just wonder why do I do this? Why do I feel like I have to binge? All the people I see on reality TV that deal with eating disorders who are trying to lose weight, binge for a reason. I've had a pretty good life, so why?

There's no telling, but I know that this is something that I'm going to keep having to deal with. Something that is going to be a problem. So I'm going to have to keep fighting. I think I need to set another goal. I tried giving up meat, yes I told you I would try for a month, but it lasted a week. It just isn't going to happen. I don't like enough things that are meatless to try to be a vegetarian. I don't know I'll think about it. Maybe I need to make my goal to write down everything I'm eating I stopped doing it, and I don't know that I can afford to do that. Every day no matter what I eat... I'll record what I'm eating, I'll even do it here. I'll do it for a week! It will help keep me more honest, that's for sure!

I've seen a lot of my Facebook friends who have been losing weight, and I'm so proud of each of them. I won't name you ladies, if you come here and read my blog, but I'm so happy that ya'll are doing this! It just makes me realized that there are so many people out there that are going through this journey too. And while most of the time I feel so isolated and alone (except for my mom :)) there are other women my age struggling the same way I am. No matter if you have to lose 150 pounds or if you want to lose 20 its still hard. So props to those ladies that I know who are killing it at the gym and for all the other people I don't know who are trying to do this too!

I don't usually post these little motivational pictures and such here, but I have two that I just love. One is from one of my friends who told me that she keeps this with her all the time as a way to stay motivated. I love it and love her! It's pretty awesome

This second one I saw on a group I follow who is doing a documentary on the Ragnar Relay  and they always have wonderful things to say about going when things get hard!!

Love it! I just want every single person who reads this to know that if you are doing this, you totally can! I can and so can you!

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