Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So sore today

Today... yes today... what to say about how I'm feeling...


I am so dang sore from painting and then doing my 15 HITT and THEN doing 30 minutes of toning. I didn't do much this morning, but I decided that I needed to get out of the house and DO something rather than just sitting on my bum all day. So I called my brother and told him that I wanted to go biking around his neighborhood, its awesome! Golf corse and lots of road. Around three I headed over, we sun-screened  up and headed out! We rode around for about an hour. He lives close to Corey's work, so at the end of the ride we stopped by and said hi!

Then I came home and rested for about half an hour and then did my Fire 45 minute class. I am so darn sore, I just can't complain enough! I can't raise my left arm above my head!

I mapped the route and tracked my time, here is the screen shot of my phone of our route and times and mileage

It was actually one long screen, so I had to scroll down and take two pictures.

Today before I decided that I wanted to go ride bikes, I realized that going into my third month of this weight loss challenge that I can never go back. I just can't go back to the way I was, not just how heavy I was or even what I ate. I LOVE eating healthy. I never have cravings for bad things like chips or anything like that. Although at the end of this cleanse, I could totally go for some chips because I'm hungry and the dang thing won't let me eat after 7. ANYWAY! Its not about the food or weight, its about how not active I was. Everyday I feel like I have a craving to get out of the house and DO something! I realized today that I'm not happy just to sit at home and watch tv shows on netflix anymore.

Did I need to go out and bike today? Nope, I just wanted to get out and do something for me. And it was so much fun! Tomorrow is my day off, and I am going to go run (I would have on Sunday, but I had to work).

Speaking of running! While on our ride today, Phillip and I decided that we are going to run a 5k, its something that I have wanted to do ever since I started trying to lose weight years ago. I want to do be able to do it by the time Corey gets home from his two months in Huston. So I'm going to find a race in August, and we are doing it! I figure if we go ahead and sign up for it and pay for it, we'll have to do it!

So tomorrow starts the real training for my 5k run!

I was just going to stop with the running and activity bit, but I also wanted to do a little run down of the cleanse that I was talking about yesterday! If you didn't read yesterday's blog, I did Dr. Oz's 48 hour weekend cleanse. It was actually really good. I didn't really plan to lose weight on it, but I did lose 3 pounds as of yesterday! So something must have been in my system that needed to get out! I will let you know how I feel tomorrow when I start eating stuff other than fresh veggies, fruits and soup! But it really hasn't effected my energy (which is evident because I have been so active these past two days!). I think my stomach shrunk a little because I was going to have a salad with my soup tonight, and just couldn't eat it!

I liked the juice, I did make some juicer juice, and it was interesting. The day before I didn't have time to make the real juice and got it from a can of pineapple (no sugar added!) and then the pomegranate juice from a bottle, but I thought it tasted better than the nature juicer juice. But hey, thats just me. Maybe if I hadn't had to add the kale or cumber in there, it would have been better! But they both filled me up.

The soup was good, much better with the sauerkraut in it! And I drank tons of water!

I'm very impressed with cleanse! I didn't feel icky or lethargic or anything. And I really didn't feel hungry (except tonight when I want something to eat after 7!) during the day.

I will be doing this again!

So total pounds lost.. 23 so far overall!!! Not bad!

(edited to add this after my first taste of dandelion tea) In the cleanse it wants you to have a cup of dandelion root tea before bed, to fill you up I think, and the first night, I didn't have any so I got mom to pick me up some on her weekly run for almond milk. I made a cup tonight, I added my wonderful Truvia (I can't give this up!!) and it tasted and smelled just like an old ash tray. You know that taste you get in the back of your mouth when you inhale the sent of an ashtray (especially a wet one.. *shudder*) well this is what that would taste like, only your whole mouth is full of it.

I ended up drinking as much as I could before I felt like I was going to throw up (about 6 ounces) and then tossed the rest. I had ginger tea the first night, I'm having a soothing cup tonight after that nasty nasty taste!

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