Monday, February 18, 2013

5 days of Insanity


Where to start. I am just feeling down today. For a number of reasons, which I will talk about.

This weekend we got the results for the Student Show, which is basically a gallery show that students at Tech submit art to, and its juried so someone picks work to go into it. I saw all day yesterday people on Facebook so excited about making the show, and I didnt get in. Everyone kept saying they got 2 pieces in the show. I know there is always next year, but its just frustrating. I dont feel like my work is very good right now, but still, it sucks to have someone confirm that.

I also feel like I wasted my weekend, I knew I had a lot of work to do, but did I do it? No. And now am I having to bust my proverbial balls to get it finished? Yes. Why do I procrastinate like this!? Its so frustrating! I should have worked on pictures this weekend as well as finished a paper and presentation and read a chapter of my history book and cooked dinner for this week. All I got done was a teeny bit of the presentation/paper, read part of the history book and cooked dinner. At least I did workout every day but yesterday. I should have done day 4, but it was a stretch day so I didnt do it. I now feel like I should do it tonight to make up for missing it, but I just dont have enough time.

My plan is to read the rest of my history chapter at lunch today, work on my paper right when I get out of class this afternoon right up until The Biggest Loser, then I'll work on my photos during the biggest loser and after thats over I'll go to the school to print them. Then I can go home and either work on my paper more, or depending on the time, go to bed. I have to get to bed at 11 to get enough rest to wake up at 5:30 to workout.

Tomorrow morning I have to work, but I plan (unless my boss has something for me to do) to work on my paper/presentation and finish it tomorrow night after I get out of class.

Also I gained a pound. I dont really have the heart to put it on Myfitnesspal, so its just going to stay at 15 pounds. Maybe it'll change tomorrow, I dont know. I do think my shirts are fitting better, so maybe I'm losing inches, who knows. I know that last week I didnt eat as well as I should, so I should be lucky that I didnt gain more than a pound. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow.

Now on to how Insanity is going. Like I said I didnt workout yesterday. I should have done the stretch workout, but I didnt. It was nice to give my aching muscles a day off. Wednesday is my break day and I might just do it then. That way I dont feel so guilty about skipping it completely.

Because of the workouts, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and not move, which I know isnt good for sore muscles, but I was that sore. On Saturday after my workout I drank a ton of water to help with soreness and because I think I'm not getting enough water.

Today was called Pure Cardio, which has a long warm up, which you do 3 times, each time progressively faster and harder, then a stretch and then 20 minutes of the "real" exercising. Its hard. By the stretch, which is maybe 10 minutes in, I was dripping sweat off my face which hasnt happened so far. Bleh! It was dripping down my nose!

This is how I felt right after the workout and during!

I'm worried that I'm going to hurt myself. I'm much heavier than the people in the videos. I cant do all the jumping about and such because I dont want to hurt my knees. So I try to do as much low impact as I can. I know as I lose weight that it will be easier on my body to do all the hopping around. It just makes me angry that I cant do everything.

I know this morning I was thinking of everything I could to get out of doing the workout. Yesterday a can of condensed milk fell on my big toe, and its bruised so badly that its just red and hurts horribly. I'm sure it will turn black and blue later, but right now its red. I really didnt want to do it because of my toe, but I put my shoe on with thicker socks, and just did it anyway. That sounds like a seriously pitiful excuse to me.

I thought that doing the number of fingers for the day was a cool idea, too bad I didnt start on the first day! Not sure what I'll do after 5, because I hold the camera with my other hand. I'll figure it out. 

1 comment:

  1. You can't change the past, what you did or didn't do. You can only move ahead into the future. Keep moving. Don't get discouraged. You can do this.
