Monday, February 25, 2013

The End is in Sight

Two days until I can get the hell out of this town and go on spring break. I'm so ready for this quarter to be over with, there arent any words to convey how much I hate it right now. I'm just done.

I know I have been complaining a lot lately and I'm sorry about that. Its just that right now, things just suck! I would say that my first quarter in grad school was hard, but the second one was just as hard as the first, if not worse. But at least I knew what I coming.

I'm not losing weight. Not really I posted on Myfitnesspal that I had lost another pound, which I weighed on Saturday and I was down another one. But now why is it back up to 260 (4 pounds above where it was on Saturday)? Its just frustrating. I know my diet hasnt been that great this weekend. I mean we did workout, but we also ate out (cheaply!) and one time it was subway. I mean last week all I ate was bean soup and oatmeal. Some of my clothes are fitting better, but I'm not losing weight.

I have really given it some thought and I think that I may need to reactivate my bodybugg account. I dont like the calorie counter, but it is a lot more accurate when it comes to exercise than myfitnesspal because its right against your body. I hate wearing it though! Oh well. Something to think about because nothing is really working.  I didnt have time to exercise yesterday but I did on Saturday, and I just went ahead and called that the beginning of my new week. To be honest, mostly I just feel lucky at this point if I can fit any exercise in my day at all. I am running out of hours in the day to get things done. I'm hoping that I can do it this afternoon when I get out of class. I can do it, and still have time to be able to take a shower and get ready for my committee meeting tonight. Maybe. I just didnt get in bed last night in enough time to get up at 5:30.

Maybe I just need to totally rework what I eat in a day. *sigh* I thought I did that already, but maybe I'm still not eating the right things.

These are the 8 day pictures. I look pretty rough, but I felt that way too. It was hard to make it though and I was sweating buckets at the end. 

This is a picture of a cake I made this weekend. Today I'm going to toss it because I just dont want another piece of it. I made two, one to throw on the ground, and another to "pretend" to eat, which I had two pieces of last night. So as yummy as it is, its going to have to go. Because I cant afford to eat any more of this stuff! Which may be why I'm not losing weight, but I dont eat like this every day.

1 comment:

  1. Don't get discouraged. As hard as things seem, remember that the time crunch is temporary. Things will ease up (remember, you've been doing two jobs at school, not just one). Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. You are healthier and stronger than you were three months ago. Keep your eyes on the goal and keep putting one foot in front of the other on your journey. No matter how slow you go, you're lapping everyone still on the couch.
