Thursday, February 14, 2013

Insanity Day 1

Yes as the title suggests I have gone insane, and this is the first day.

But really before I left Benton Corey and I talked in passing about doing Insanity and I asked him that if I started it, if he would too. Bigger people than us do it all the time, hell, the people on the biggest loser are bigger than us, and they do crazy workouts every day. So I dont see why I cant at least try this, and modify where needed, because I sure wont be able to do these things full out.

If you havent ever heard of Insanity, its a 60 day program where it does muscle confusion, you switch up workouts every week or two weeks (not totally sure) so you body never gets used to the workout and you continue to lose weight/ tone/ build muscle. The first day is a fit test, 25 minutes with a warmup and a cooldown and its just different exercises, you do each one for 1 minute, and then you record your results. I'm not kidding when I say its hard.

I started out okay, the warm up has you doing jumping jacks, and I was like "I can do this!" and then he got into the real test. I didnt bring my results with me to work, but I have to do this test again in two weeks, so when there is an improvement I'll be sure to record them here! I dont even remember the name of all the exercises he had me do!

Afterwards I was pumped but shaky and jittery, it felt like I had had a bunch of tea or coffee, but I knew eventually I would crash and feel really tired. I didnt leave Benton until 8ish last night and so I got back a little before 10, and had to do laundry (ran out of wearable clean clothes) and so I didnt get to sleep until a little after 12. Tonight I work late, but I have food already that I brought, and I have worked out, so I should be okay! Maybe I can get to bed earlier tonight, thats my goal anyway.

I havent exactly been eating 100% great, I cant eat as much as I used to, so that helps a lot. However, yesterday for lunch I had Indian food with Corey (it totally made me have to go to the bathroom so it cleaned me out!) and then for dinner before I left we had Mexican. All of it was vegetarian, because I am still doing that. I can now honestly say that I dont miss meat (well most of the time anyway). I sure dont want to eat it!

Today is Valentines day, which is cool! Corey and I did our celebrations this past weekend, so I'm very happy with that. Mary, the dean's assistant brought Vday cupcakes for the office, so I had one, really half of one. I wasnt very hungry when I got dont working out, probably because I was so tired, and I wasnt thinking about it. I packed some cereal and also some yogurt for breakfast at the office, and I was noshing on the cereal when she told me to take one, so I did, but it was sweet! Super adorable, but sweet. Maybe I just cant eat sweet like I used to, I dont know, but I couldnt finish it. I didnt really feel guilty eating it, because I knew I would record the calories for it in Myfitnesspal.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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