Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another day another dollar

I dont really have a topic for today. Except to tell you about how awesome I am.

I figured that sometimes we can all do with some healthy positive reinforcement, so I'm going to brag.

I worked out today. I didnt want to, and I got through only 20 minutes, but I did it. So I call that a success! I was just so dang tired! Gah! I have been all day even though I had green tea with breakfast. Just not enough sleep, I know I didnt go to bed at a reasonable hour last night *cough 2:00 cough*. I dont know what possessed me to stay up that late, but oh well! It means I will be nice and tired for bed tonight.

In other news I had a whole day without meat! It was actually really good. There are some things I can do without meat. I wish I could go dairy free and just be a vegan, because I had egg whites today and I felt really guilty about it. Maybe next time I can get egg beaters, is that fake egg? I will need to do some research. I dont want to be vegan, and I keep telling myself and everyone this, but I keep wanting to get away from everything but cheese! But until then, I did have a great lunch!

I had a toasted whole wheat english muffin with avocado, eggwhites, rf feta and some grapes, carrots and roasted red pepper hummus! Yum! For dinner I did a falafel mix, but I only used half a cup because I'm the only one eating it, and I still had a whole serving that I can eat tomorrow. I mixed in some black beans with the falafel, and had a mint yogurt sauce, steamed carrots and asparagus! I love me some veggies!

I was thinking today about all the stuff in the last 3-4 years that I have done to lose weight and I guess I have been mostly successful because I havent gained all the way back to what I weighed in the beginning. I have tried Weight Watchers, working out every day, shakes, working out 2-3 times a week, counting calories, bodybugg... and I'm sure that there are some that I dont remember. I think what has been most successful was when I was on weight watchers, eating what I liked but still being accountable for it, and working out 3-5 times a week. Working out every day and doing the shakes worked well too, but I cant drink those shakes anymore, although I do LOVE the workouts! So I know that this new phase is going to work for me, its a mix of everything so far, I'm working out 3 times a week, watching what I eat, but still eating things that I like (minus meat of course), and writing it down and staying accountable for what I am doing. I think thats the key, accountability.

My plan for working out is this: For the next three weeks I'm going to do 3 Turbo Fire workouts, one short, one 30 and one longer 45-50. I'm going to randomize them and working out Monday Wednesday and Saturday work best for me, so those are my workout days. After the first three weeks I'm going to add a day of strength training with Turbo and do this for another three weeks. We'll see where to go from there, and how much success I've had with this approach. Eventually I would like to work up to more than 4 days, but also doing other things like running or biking. I just get so bored running, so I dont know if thats something that I'm up for!



Dinner! Yum!

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