Thursday, January 24, 2013

Through the rain

Yesterday was my rest day and boy was it nice to have a day off! I dont really have a day off from school, far from it. I had two papers due and two quizzes all for one class! But thankfully I had them finished beforehand.

Yesterday I cooked my dal! It is a little more spicy that I would like, so next time I'm not doing two chile peppers! But overall the flavor is good. It seemed really runny when I took it out of the crock pot, but it thickened up. 

That is the dal in the background and my semi successful saag paneer. I'm still not really getting the paneer, or cheese, right yet this time it is really soft. Not sure what I did with it to make it so soft. 

I watched a documentary on Netflix last night (instead of reading which I did until I couldnt take any more of my book, which basically means I almost fell asleep) called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. It was good, it was about this Australian guy who decided to go on a two month fast drinking only freshly juiced fruits and veggies for his meals. I think he probably did some beans and nuts as well. Because thats what he talked about. He lost a lot of weight, and he met another guy while he was in America doing this documentary and they both had the same autoimmune disease. The other fellow, Phil, was like 400 + pounds, and did the same juice diet, which started with 10 days and then he went on to a month and then two months. He didnt do the juicing for 10 months straight, but eventually he lost like 200 + pounds. It was really cool! 

After that night I woke up and started throwing up for no reason except probably being hungry, I decided to take the only shake I liked from that Dr. Oz shake fast and have it a couple of hours (or hour) before bed. Its really good, I add strawberries, raspberries, flax seeds, almond butter, water and spinach. It really fills me up, and helps me get a couple more servings of things I need for my nutrition. 

Today has been good, I got up and worked out, Fire 30 and then did the 10 minute stretch because my back needed it. I felt good, but ran out of time and didnt get to drink my tea, so I had a headache this morning. But I found that I didnt really need it. I guess sleeping in yesterday (until 7:30) did some good. 

Also, I rode my bike to school this morning, when I got off of work I walked outside and realized that it was misting. So I had to ride home in the rain/light sprinkling. I think my hair is messed up and I had to throw my jeans and sweater in the dryer to dry them off. I guess I dont mind so much, but the weather didnt say anything about rain!! Otherwise, I would have driven the car. Well thats the plan this afternoon anyway. I would rather ride in the rain. If we werent going on a field trip to Monroe today for class, then I would totally ride back to school (better equipped with a change of clothes) in the rain.

Tomorrow I am excited I have a Fire 55 workout and I'm also participating in a virtual 5k that Katie over at is hosting. The cool thing, I can walk it with the dog, and he will LOVE that. Hope its not raining tomorrow because I'm excited to get out and do this. If it is, I'll have to go to the school and walk on the treadmill. 

Also, I have a photo assignment to do for my new boss, should be exciting! 

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