Monday, January 7, 2013

New year

Well, as I saw someone say on their blog, its been a whole week and I now really know what my resolutions are for the year... I have a few, so here it goes:

This year I really want to have a whole year of healthy. I dont want to start and stop and start and stop, I want it to last, if I can make it a whole year, why not another year? I want healthy habits to be second nature. That being said, I want this year to be the last year I make a resolution to lose weight. I mean if you've been reading with me I have done quite a few things here and nothing has stuck. I thank that just has a lot to do with me, and how I get bored quickly. I want to better manage my time and priorities. Lastly, I want to become a vegetarian.

I saw a documentary about vegans and this experiment that a vegan did, she got three other people to quit meat cold turkey (haha) for 6 weeks, she educated them about being vegan. How animals are treated, the impact that mass production of meat products has on our economy and so on. It was very interesting and while I'm not totally ready for veganism, because lets be honest, I dont think I can give up cheese and milk, I am ready to not eat meat. I know I tried this before, but I wasnt really motivated to do it. Now just the thought of eating meat kinda makes me feel queasy. Its going to take some adjustment and some rethinking about food, but I'm ready. I was going to set a goal for this, like a challenge of 6 weeks, but I dont want to do that and get there and then quit. I think in the next couple of weeks I'll know how this is going to pan out and if it will work or not.

I did have my first vegetarian meal today, and it was delicious. I got back to Ruston on Friday and have been super busy since then and had no time to go to the grocery store, so for lunch I had tuna, I know its meat, but its all I had and I was starving, better than the ham I had in the fridge. I think eating out will be a challenge, but thankfully I dont eat out much, so I'll just deal with that when I come to it. For dinner I had a meatless chicken breast (yeah I know my mind rebels at the thought of this and how disgusting this is, but I saved a whole chicken today, thanks) with mushrooms, garlic, onion and two tablespoons of greek yogurt to make a sauce. With whole wheat pasta, broccoli and roasted cauliflower. It was really really good! Who knew?

I dont have a picture of it, because it really did look gross, but it smelled and tasted good, and thats what counts!

I'm going to stop now because I need to get to work on a movie review for class, and I need to stop procrastinating. Tomorrow: work out!

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