Sunday, April 8, 2012

2 weeks

I have been without refined sugar for 2 whole weeks. I told you that I joined a beachbody challenge with one of the people I went to high school with. And I'm super excited. I bought the Turbo Fire DVDs, and it came with my very own bag of shakeology.

Now on to the Shakeology... There are three different flavors, Tropical Strawberry (which is vegan), Chocolate, and Green Tea.  I've explained before that I've had the Green Tea, and didn't like it, and that I can't stand anything chocolate ice-cream like. So naturally I got the strawberry. And it was decent. I made it with water and ice, and didn't like the taste. So I added some real strawberries and blueberries (frozen of course) and it was much much better. They have recipes to try, so I guess I'll get some of the ingredients and try them. I really start tomorrow, but I wanted to test it out a day in advance. The last time I tried a powder, it was a shake diet. Oh good 'ole fad diets. And about three weeks into it, I ended up throwing it up and couldn't ever make myself drink it again. So I was SOOO scared that I would throw this up. It was slightly gritty, which I think may have something to do with the water and the ice, so tomorrow I'm going to add greek yogurt.

One more thing on the shakes, the onto something else, it was SO sweet to me. I have been really conscious of what is sweet and what I can't eat, which is pretty much everything that I love. And last night I had a huge craving for something sweet, so I ate a sliced banana (something about the sliced texture of the banana just makes it better for some reason) instead. But this morning when I tried the shakeology it tasted so sweet to me. It was almost hard to swallow, there isn't any real sugar it in, which makes it okay. But I just had a hard time with it. Hopefully the greek yogurt will help to cut the sweet.

Mine didn't look nearly this pretty! I drank it out of an old greek yogurt container because I didn't have a glass big enough to hold it all.

So I've been doing these workouts for two weeks, and I suppose I'm ready to do a two week review of my body and how I'm doing. As you know the first week just about killed me. It got easier as I kept going.


More energy

more endurance for longer workouts

my double chin is receding!!!

I feel healthier

I'm hungry for good healthy snacks

Some of my clothes fit better (I buttoned my blue jeans on friday!!!)

I've lost 5 pounds!!!!


I still have trouble sleeping through the night

My knees have been twitching, and I'm being really careful not to hurt them

I'm hungry after the HITT workouts, especially later in the day


So that's how things stand at the moment. Speaking of hungry I'm hungry right now, its time to eat a snack!!

Also, so so so excited that I've lost 5 pounds in the past two weeks. Overall that's 9 pounds since I started the blog!!

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