Friday, April 27, 2012

Small Changes

My birthday is in a little more than a week!! I asked my mom for a heart rate monitor. It is a watch with a chest strap. I set it up yesterday and did my toning workout last night with mixed results. It kept losing my heart rate. I was sure that it wasn't going to work, but I thought I would give it a go with something that was a real cardio workout. So I put it on and used it. It felt weird doing my punching and twisting with it on. I thought it would feel similar to having a bra on around my chest but I think it messed me up a little. But I just kept it on and it didn't lose my heart rate except once when I was bending over!! Today I did a 55 minute workout and burned 1730 calories!!! Holy cow!! Thank you heart rate monitor!

So over the last week I have been noticing small changes in my body. I haven't really picked up anything heavy or anything like that. I was pulling my hair up on Wednesday and noticed that my shoulders look a little more cut. Especially at the top... It's just a little bit. I asked Corey yesterday if that had been there before and he didn't think so.

Also, I was washing my arms in the shower and I noticed that my arm had a smallish bulge in my bicep area... So maybe more muscle there!!

Lastly, I usually only wear jeans on Friday for work, the rest of the time it's dress pants and sweats or slouchy capris to workout in. Anyway, so putting my jeans on every Friday is usually a good indicator of how many inches I have lost. Today my jeans buttoned with no problem!! I even put a belt on!! My tee shirts are getting too big and so are my panties!! Shopping trip soon? Possibly! Maybe another couple weeks, or until I can't wear my undies anymore.

So I have a job interview today! Say a little prayer that I get it!!

Have a great day!

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