Monday, April 30, 2012

One + One = 5

5 weeks down!! So far I have worked out 1590 minutes. That's 26.5 hours of working out... Which is awesome!!

Which means that I've now lost 18 pounds!!!! I can't believe I'm so close to 20 pounds! Next week I'll hit 20 pounds, which will mean that I'll post pictures! I can't believe I've been blogging this long. Usually I'm horrible about it. No staying power I guess.

I'm really proud of myself so far. It's hard, everyday these workouts get hard. No matter how much I get used to them, its hard every day. Something makes it hard for me, MMV has been here the past week (Mr. Monthly Visitor) and I think that it has affected my energy.

I have also learned that if I push it too much the day before, my workout the next day suffers. Saturday I skipped my 45 minute workout because I felt so bad. Saturday was fun, but if I can't get my workout in the morning it is so unlikely to happen. I tried to workout with the 45 minute from Saturday, plus Sunday's 20 minute core and the 40 minute stretch/yoga class. It was just too much for one day. Today, I did the 55 minute and crapped out about 35 minutes into it. I feel like a failure! For just not completing one workout! Which is so silly, considering I have another one tomorrow! But I did clean all day, so that was some more exercise for the day.

Tonight I made some great taquitos!! Tomorrow I'll post the recipe for Tasty Tuesday!

Oh, I also got a body fat scale. I put all my information in there and tested it out... it was 38.2% body fat, which isn't good at all! But, its just another way to keep up with the progress that I'm making. I know eventually I'll be not losing weight on the scale, so I have a way to make sure that I'm still making progress, if my body fat % isn't going anywhere, and I'm not losing inches or pounds... then its plateau time. And I'll know I need to change up what I'm doing. Not there yet of course.. but when it happens, I'll have been tracking my body fat for a while.


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