Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Never ever ever...

Shop for food hungry. I should start a life style change 101 list of things that you should never do, just from my experience. That would be interesting, just to see what other people have to say about this.

When you changed your life by changing what you ate and exercising what was something that you knew you should never ever do? Walk by the baked goods area at the grocery store? Go down the ice-cream isle? Go to your favorite restaurant because you knew would would get your favorite thing, which of course is about 3k calories for one meal? Hmm... I think my list is growing! For real!! I see people are actually reading this thing now...  so leave me a message and tell me what you know to never ever do or it will sabotage all your good intentions. Go on... go on... leave a comment... you know you want to! :D

Why did I bring this up?? Well I went to whole foods today to get some almonds, and also to get some almond milk. I did this while I was waiting on my mom to get done with something. We carpooled to work today (I'm working part time for one of the lawyers in her office!) and she had something she needed to do. So I had about an hour and a half to kill. I also got some turmeric, which my mom swears is good for your skin... more on that in a minute. I was sooooooooo hungry. I had eaten an apple around 4 because I knew we wouldn't get home until 7, but I had to have something to eat.

I was so proud of myself. I got some kale, this whole wheat curried pasta with red cabbage, red onions, bell peppers and little snap peas. I also got some hummus and pita chips. All for dinner...

I also got some rice flour to try with the sugar free cookies... I may have to make an edit to it once I try it with the rice flour.

So I didn't break into it until I was waiting in the car for mom. And I ate a couple of pita chips and hummus and also some of the kale. The rest I saved for dinner when we got home... It was all good and I especially loved the kale, it had a little olive oil, red pepper flakes and lemon juice on it. Very tasty and awesome with the hummus because it cooled the mouth.

I do have to say though, just because it's from Whole Foods... doesn't mean its all healthy or even all good for you. Just a warning to people out there!

Now on to why the Tumeric should be good for my skin. Before I got married, I worked out a ton, and I worked out at the gym at my college in the mornings. I would get to school waaay to early, and workout, shower and get dressed, the go to class. Well I got this rash on my feet. I didn't think much about it, because I have very dry feet that crack and peel. I was scratching it one day and my uncle saw it and told me that it was athletes foot and that he used an over the counter cream and it would clear it up.

Well I used it, and it got somewhat better but came back. This is all over a few months. Well it would go and come and never really clear up. I'm horrible at remembering to put cream on my feet. So last year before I went to Mexico (for a study abroad program) I went to the doctor and showed her my feet, and she said that it was indeed athletes foot and gave me a cream and two refills. After that they got a little better, but still itched like crazy. I went back to my doctor and she put me on pills for it.

Well the pills cured the athletes foot (which I didn't know at the time), but there was still a rash, so I kept on using the over the counter creams and it just got worse and worse. Eventually it moved up to my ankles. Well last week I FINALLY, at the threat of being killed if I didn't go, went to the dermatologist about it. He said that the athletes foot was gone, but that it was eczema and a very bad case of it, and he thought there might be a staff infection. So they did a culture, and I just a shot in my hip and a prescription for some cream to put on (More cream!! Yay!) it. If there was a staff infection, that I would need antibiotics. My feet are looking much better and my stab wound where they stuck me with a needle is gone, but there is a staff infection. So now I'm on to antibiotics.

Long story short, apparently turmeric is supposed to help your skin. You should try it, it makes me burp though! I'm ready to have my beautiful feet back! So I guess I'll try the turmeric. Bleh.

Yay food and athletes foot all in one post... icky! I don't have a good picture today, so I'm going to pull something from my Mexico trip, because every time I talk about it, I like to put up pictures from it.

I made it my goal in Mexico to climb ever pyramid that I possibly could. We were in the Yucatan studying ancient Mayan art and civilization. I didn't take a picture at the top of this of myself, mainly because it was so high it made me sick, and also because  there were a ton of people up there and hardly any space. I felt like I was going to fall off backwards if I did a picture.

This was in Uxmal, and I climbed it too! When I got to the top I looked down and told my friends "My Mayan people bow before your king!" Apparently, everything you say up there everyone in the whole site can hear, because my professor said something to me about it later! 

Me at the top of the previous picture!


  1. Lol.. I feel like I just got caught. I have been reading your blog since Holly posted it on Facebook. I should have commented by now anyway. This is Lacey Starkey from Benton BTW.

    For me there is not one thing I could do that would sabotage my eating plan because there is always room for the things you love even if they are "bad" for you. My suggestion is just not to bring things to your home where you can continue to eat on it after the one time. For example, if you are craving ice cream, get one scoop from a place instead of buying a carton. Eat and enjoy your scoop with a small spoon and keep going on with your day with no guilt.

    Awesome job in Mexico! What a climb.

    I have you bookmarked so I will be checking back :)

  2. Thanks for the comment Lacy! Thats an awesome way to think about it. I agree, if you're going to have something then do it in small portions. That way you don't end up eating the whole carton of ice-cream. I've also read about breaking it down into smaller containers. That way you get what you love, but you only eat until you get to the end of your container.

    Thanks! We climbed and walked a lot, sometimes I was the only one that wanted to climb pyramids...
