Thursday, April 12, 2012


I have no real title for today, except that I'm FREEZING! I always eat my shakeology after I work out and I sit on the floor in all my sweat and drink a frozen drink... with the fan on. If I wasn't so lazy I would get up and turn the fan off. Plus, it's been about 40 degrees this morning. I didn't even need my ceiling fan on when I first started working out.

Today in Turbo Fire news, I did the 15 minute HITT (High Intensity Interval Training for those who don't know) and a 30 minute sculpting class. The sculpting class consists of a resistance band and lots of arm working out. As I type this my arms feel like noodles. It'll get better as the day goes on.

I am loving my shakeology who knew that was going to happen? I love it with strawberries and peaches. SOOO good. And I get excited about it everyday. It really keeps me full for a long time. Much better than spending money on something from Starbucks.

I have gone without refined sugar for 2.5 weeks! Exciting huh? Speaking of sugar. My beachbody coach Holly recommended a book to read about how to eat right and keep your body in balance. What sorts of foods are good for different parts of your body that help you lose weight. It's called "This Is Why You're Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More--and Keep the Weight Off" by Jackie Warner. Despite the title, it is very informative and I think anyone who wants to have a healthy life needs to read it, even if you're not going to do the food plan, just to learn more about what it takes to keep your body healthy. I think that in my quest to lose this weight I'm constantly trying to research more, learn more and just become more aware of what I'm putting in my body.

Let's face it, I work out 6 days a week, and even on my off day I try to walk to Zumba because I just love the way working out makes me feel, why am I doing all this work if I'm just going to eat junk and poison my body while I'm trying to take such good care of it?! That just makes little sense to me. So I suggest this book. Jackie Warner slams sugar in this book. She calls it poison as well.

She says "the biggest reason people get fat is sugar... Sugar is the devil. It has zero nutritional value and weakens your immune system. It throws off your metabolic functions and is highly addictive" she goes on to say, "Sugar isn't just bad nutrition; it's healthy-damaging nutrition... When sugar is found in natural foods and plants (such as apples berries, or even sugarcane), it comes in a package with the vitamins, minerals and enzymes needed for it's complete digestion. When its found in sugar packets or candy or in the disaster known as high-fructose corn syrup, it contains nothing of any good. The body actually has to borrow from its stores of nutrients in order to process it..."

Yeah, so I'm glad I have given it up. She says that on her plan, you eat clean for 5 days and then you get two cheat meals on the weekends. I don't like to cheat, so I don't know if thats going to work for me. But I might try it as soon as my month of no sugar is up. I really like how she talks about different sugars and where you can find them in food. Very interesting. I highly suggest you read it! I'm only on the second or third chapter and I already feel very informed.

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